Part 3: Stay

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The bar was silent in anticipation.

Connor had gone back to sleep at the table and Hbomb was upstairs with Callahan, guarding the hallway.

Captain stood behind the counter with Ranboo, masks on and standing tall.

Blaze sat at one of the tables in the corner, a gun hidden beside him.

Claw pretended to sweep around the tables, knife in his pocket.

Tommy sat in room 12, hugging the children tight.

Fundy hid behind the music box.

The door opened slowly.

"Hello?" A voice asked.

Captain sucked in a short breath as she saw the boy with ram horns.

He stepped inside and smiled.

"Hi there, is there any rooms for accomodation??" He asked innocently.

Captain tapped her finger on the counter three times and everyone except for Connor loosened up, no threat.

"Why yes of course, would you like one of our gold class rooms?" Captain answered politely.

"I don't need anything special thank you" he took a seat at the bar in front of Ranboo.

"A drink would be good though, no alcohol though" he added, flashing a dashing smile at Ranboo.

Ranboo nodded his head and dashed around gracefully, preparing a drink for the God.

Ranboo finally passed it to him with shaking hands.

The God thanked him and drank.

While he was distracted Fundy slid out from behind the music box. Leaving his Bowie knife and sitting next to the boy, Blaze doing the same.

The God tensed.

"I'm not here to cause trouble, I'm just looking for a place to stay" he reassured them.

"And why would you come down to this hell hole when you could be perfectly fine up there" Fundy growled.

"Because... confidential reasons" he tried to shrug it off.

"Then I guess we won't know if we can trust you" Blaze replied.

Connor groaned in the background.

"Well I know you're nice at least, unless those kids I saw you with were kidnapped, I'm guessing they are upstairs? Are they your siblings? Kids?" He asked with a smirk, and Blaze faltered.

"Those kids are non of your business" Fundy snarled.

The God side eyed him.

"Cap I need a Bloody Mary!" Connor shouted.

Ranboo made Connor his drink as Captain leaned over so she was eye to eye with the boy.

They stared at each other for a moment.

"Welcome aboard kiddo, room 15 is free and your welcome to head on up, hold up, get Claw to take you up" Captain stood back up at pointed to Claw who dropped his broom.

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