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My eyes fluttered open. I squinted against the blinding light.

An oxygen mask was placed against my face.

The was a buzzing in my head and dizziness.

I saw great grey clouds of smoke and rubble. Metal beams were warped at crude angles.


"Miss. Swanson. Can you hear me?

"Lilly...where..." the words felt lost on my lips, like I couldn't say them. I couldn't grasp them.

I jolted up right in bed. I was in the hallway of the hospital. There were several people line up on gurneys. Blood was poring from scapes all over their bodies. Nurese and doctors were frantically shouting medical jargon at each other.

"Miss. Swanson." I looked up the nurse. "My name is Ariel."

"Where is Lilly?"

"Lilly is doing fine." She smiled. "A little frightened but ok. You saved her."

I collapsed back onto the bed. "Thank God."

"You are doing well. You just needed a little oxygen."

I nodded. "Where is my backpack?"

"Here." She pick it up off the floor handed it to me.

Suddenly I saw a familiar face go by. "Dr. McCoy! What are you doing here? Is anyone we know hurt?"

"No. Not that I know of. But the hospitals are flooded with the wounded. We need all hands on deck."

"I can help." I went to sit up, but I was overcome by dizziness.

H placed his hand on my shoulder. "You are a patient right now. You need to rest." He turned to Ariel. "You are needed in ER."

"Ok." She nodded and ran down the hall.

"I wish I could help,"

"Rest first. You are just a little light headed, but you will be fine. I will check on you later." The doctor dashed down the hallway. He was followed by the paramedics as they rushed a man on a gurney towards the ER.

I leaned back in my bed and put my backpack on my lap. I pulled out my PADD. I was glad to see it was not damaged.

I checked my email.

There was one from my father's lawyer, Mr. Hailor.

I opened it.

Hi Violet,

I know you wanted to meet with your father later this evening at that
restaurant, but your father wanted to surprise you. We went to the hospital but found out that you went to the Starfleet museum with a group of children. You father and I are heading there now. I hate to ruin the surprise, but I know how you don't like to cry in public. I know you wouldn't want to break down in front of your colleagues. I am giving you a heads up so you have time to prepare yourself.
I am parked at a flower shop now. He is picking out a bouquet of flowers for you. We should be there soon. I did call, but you didn't answer your cell.

-Mr. Hailor

No trees were destroyed in the sending of this message, however, a significant number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.

My father was near thought if the explosion.

"No," I whispered. I wanted to scream, but there was no point! The sound of the crowded hallway would drown it out. I through my PADD in my backpack, and then slung the backpack on.

Acts of Redemption: Star Trek Into Darkness AU  (Lots of Khan!)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя