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When we got back to the small ship I offered to take a look at Khan's wound, but he rufused.

I ended up sitting next to him on the way back to the Enterprise.

It was incredibly awkward and silent. I only had the stinging of my grazed shoulder to distract me from the awkwardness.

"If silence could kill," Khan said. "You are not good at hiding your pure hatred of me. Especially you, captain."

"Shut. Your. Mouth," Kirk said.

"I don't hate you." I didn't look at Khan, I kept my gaze forward, staring at the wall.

"Violet, is the exception," Kirk said.

"It is you, isn't it?" Khan whispered in my ear.

I felt a chill run up my spine.

"You don't know how much that means," Kirk said. "The fact that she does not hate you."

"Kirk!" I warned. I wasn't emotionaly prepared to get into this.

Khan leaned forward slightly in his seat. I thought he was trying to escape. "Hey!"

His face was pale and he seemed to be in a daze.

"How long before we get back to the Enterprise?" I asked.

"Exactly thirty-three minutes and fifty-two seconds," Spock said.

"Mr. Harrison I am going to check your wound. Ok."

He said nothing.

I reached forward and opened his jacket. He watched my every move with unease and suspicion.

I lifted up his shirt.

"I pulled out the stitches," he whispered, his words were slurred.

My heart was racing.

He tried to push my hand away. "Don't. I need to look," I said.

"The wounds have healed already."

"That's impossible." I lifted his shirt to reveal large gashes that were closing. "What are you?"

"A...A remnant of a time long pass..." He was losing consciousness. His eyes half closing.

I grabbed his face, not unkindly. "Listen! You need to listen to me."

He snapped open his eyes.

"Do your fingers or limbs feel numb?"


"Do you feel cold?"


"Kirk, is there a first aid here?"

"On the back wall," Uhura answered before Kirk could.

I opened the first aid and found what I needed.

"What is your blood type?"

He looked up at me through the black hair falling in his face. "I don't have one."


"I don't have one."

"So you could take a transfusion with someone who has a B blood type?"

He rested the back of his head against the wall. "I could."

"Your body wouldn't outright reject it."

He shook his head. "No. It wouldn't"

I set up a transfusion line and bag and pump, on my vacant seat. I started drawing my own blood.

"What are you doing?" Kirk looked back, bewildered.

"Trying to do my job."

He shook his head.

Once the small bag was filled with blood I removed the needle and added a new one to the line.

"Mr. Harrison, I have to give you a transfusion. Though you may be healing you still have lost a large quantity of blood. I don't have any diseases, but there is still a risk you could catch a disease that I have and may be unaware of. Your body may also reject the transfusion. Do I have your consent?"

He didn't answer. I touched his hand, he was growing colder my the minute. "Do I have your consent?"

"I surrendered. Do whatever you want." He seemed so lost in despair.

I rolled up his sleeve and stuck the needle in his arm. I used the portable transfusion device to send the blood into his body. He must have felt the warm going into his arm because he eyes grew wide in alarm.


"You are so good. Better than Section 31. But look, you are taking my blood from me when I am seemingly defenceless."

"Section 31?" Spock said. " What is he referring to, Miss. Swanson?"

"Do to the loss of blood he has become delirious." It was true up to a certain point.

"You are no better..." Khan said.

"Look at your arm," I said gently. "I am not taking your blood. I am giving you my blood."

He glance at his arm then back up at me. He winced.

"Are you in pain?"

"Is that a trick question?"

"No. Why?"

"Because I am always in pain," he whispered.

"Why?" I pulled out the needle. The transfusion was done.

"You don't care," he said quietly and deeply, it was like soft thunder.

"Yes I do."


"Because you are a person."

I injected pain medication into his neck with a hypo.

"No I am not. I am just a science experiment."

"Who told you that?"


"They lied. You are a person."

He glance up at me, then looked away. For some reason he couldn't look me in the eye.

Acts of Redemption: Star Trek Into Darkness AU  (Lots of Khan!)Where stories live. Discover now