New Start

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After about a week of living in the new apartment, I finally have everything I need. It's been a quiet week, I haven't seen Tobias or Eric. Which really tends to worry me. They're both always up my butt all the time so maybe I should check on them. I gather my things and go out of my apartment to see Tobias talking to Tris. They seemed so happy together, but when Tobias turns over to see me his smile turns to a frown. Something inside of me dies. So, I keep walking, but more sluggish than before.

I walk around the apartments to find Eric's number. When he kidnapped me, I remembered what room he lives in. Hesitant I knock. I hear the lock turn and the door opens. Eric appears at the door, but he looks miserable. His face had unruly stubble on it, and his hair was messy. Something had hurt him. "Hey, Eric! Is everything okay? Not to be rude, but you look horrible." I speak. He looks me up and down and sighs. "I'm perfectly fine. How's you and bitch boy? Since you seem to like him." He says in a rude tone.

At this point I'm confused, was he talking about Tobias? "Eric, what do you mean? Who are you talking about?" I asked. His eyes fell on me and made a shiver go through my body. "I was talking about Axel," Eric replied. Did he think I was dating Axel? "Wait, do you think I'm involved with Axel? Eric...Axel is gay." I spoke. Gently I placed my hand on his face. "Besides, I wouldn't like him even if he was straight...Because I have feelings for you." I say in a spoken tone of voice. Eric's eyes lit up as I continued to hold his face. Then I let go. I need to give him some time to gather himself before I say anything else. So, I walk away after giving Eric a small smile.

Later that day we had a meeting in the cafeteria, and all the new Dauntless had to attend. Eric and Tobias stood on top of a table to be able to see everyone in the meeting. Eric had shaved his face and combed his hair, once again he looked like his normal self. "Okay, can we get everyone's attention? We will be giving you all jobs. As you know one of the Dauntless leaders has stepped down from their position. Since there are many of you to fit the role, we have decided to have a competition. There will be four teams and four leaders. The one who leads their team to victory shall be the new Leader of Dauntless." Tobias praised. Everyone cheered and clapped for this news.

"Leaders of the team shall be Mia, Axel, Lilly, and Adam. The leaders will have 9 other random people on their team, including me and Four." Eric yelled. "Tris and Tori will be guiding the other two leaders as well. Now for the competition. The four teams will be going against one another in a battle royal. The last team standing wins." Tobias followed. The whole time I've been focused on Eric and his amazing eyes. They were a blue-ish green color. Tobias passed around a piece of paper with the list of names of my team. Eric was on my team. I looked back up from the paper to see Tobias standing there still. "Before we leave, I need to talk to you." He spoke.

Hours later of planning and preparing my team finally was ready. Eric had helped me straighten out my plan. Right before we left, I went to the private room Tobias told me to go to. As planned, he was already in there. "Mia, I know you have feelings for Eric. Don't fight it or deny it. I just wanted to let you know that I accept it. Just watch out for him. He still isn't stable" Tobias whispers. Then he walks out.  

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