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Tris and I looked for Tobias for about 6 hours. There was no sign of him anywhere. Christina even helped us look for him, along with the other 3,000 Dauntless. My heart was completely broken. I personally think that Tobias ran off and was hiding from us, but Tris thinks otherwise. That night ended with almost all Dauntless passing out in the pit. Everyone was shattered. Eric and Tris set out a state of emergency to find him. Although we put it out as quickly as possible the other fraction leaders won't see it until tomorrow morning because there most likely sleeping.

Tris, Christina, and Eric all fell asleep in my apartment while I was still awake. Tris was on the bed with Christina and Eric was passed out on the couch. I decided to go back into the pit and climb to the roof. Once I reached the roof, I tried to look around to see where Tobias could be. You could see everything from the roof. I look over to abnegation to see that all the lights in the houses were off besides one. Once I looked closer, I realized that it was my old house. The only issue with that is my father is in abnegation hospital. It must be Tobias.

I never ran faster in my life to catch a train. Using the skills Dauntless taught me I climb aboard the train and ride to abnegation before jumping off quickly. Once I hit the ground, I was running again to my old house. Finally, I arrived home, the nude-colored brick gave me flash backs. Slowly I opened the door to see Tobias just sitting in the middle of the floor crying. Walking over to him, I place a hand on his shoulder. He turns to face me, once he sees my face, he pulls me into his arms. The last time he hugged me was on his ceremony day.

It was a nice feeling, I missed him so much. I began to cry with Tobias. "Tobias... I'm sorry" Is all I said not wanting to ruin the moment. He broke the hug. "Why should you be sorry for living your life. If anything, I should be sorry. It's just that I don't trust Eric. He is one of the people that started the war to begin with. I understand people can change but I have a hard time believing that someone like Eric could change. Just... be careful." Tobias says from his heart. I never thought he would ever open to me like that. "I understand, but I think that if he has someone to love he could change." I speak. Tobias nods to my response.

Together, Tobias and I go back to Dauntless. On the way home we talk to each other more about our lives like we used to when we were younger. Once we reached the pit, we noticed everyone was just waking up. To be fair the sun was rising. Once people noticed that Tobias was with me, they began to cheer. Noticing he was tired people moved out of the way to let us through. We went up to my apartment with the others. Before I opened the door I stopped and looked behind me at Tobias. "Tobias... Before we go in... Can I ask you something?" I asked. He nodded his head. "Can you please try to get along with Eric for me. Although he has done horrible things, I still love him, and he deserves a second chance." I spoke. Tobias sighed. "Yes, under one condition. He really try's to be on his best behavior." I nod and agree with Tobias.

We walk into the apartment and Tobias instantly walks over to Tris. He sits on the edge of the bed and places his hand on her cheek. I walk over to where Eric was laying and sit on the edge as well. Christina wakes up first and stands up quickly and runs over to Tobias to give him a hug. "Thank God you're okay. Mia where did you find him?" With Christina being the loudest person, I have ever met she woke up Tris and Eric. Eric wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. "I just found him.... that's it" I said keeping mine and Tobias moment private. Tris partially jumped into Tobias arms. "Well while Four threw his fit, and you ran off to find him we kept hearing noises outside our fraction." Eric said while yawning. I slapped his arm to basically tell him to watch what he says. Tobais stands up and walks over to me and Eric. "You always have some sort of drama, don't you?" Tobias said obviously pissed off. Eric placed his hands in the air. "All I said was that we heard noises that woke us all up." Tobias rolled his eyes and walked away starting to look at the décor I have in my apartment. "No, he is right... I hate to agree with the person who tried to kill me many times, but there were some strange noises coming from the Erudite fraction." Tris said while finally standing up.

Tobias begins to raid my fridge while seemingly thinking what to say. "Maybe it was some fireworks or something. They could have just been having a celebration. Also, Mia you're out of eggs." He says while taking my eggs out and began to start cooking. Tris walks up behind Tobias and wraps her arms around his waist. At the same time, me and Eric pretend to throw up making us laugh. Forgetting that Christina is there she makes herself knows by standing in mine and Erics view. "You all make me disgusted." She said while walking over to Tris and attacking her sides to make her leg go of Tobias. "But in all seriousness, the noises where louder than what fireworks could be." Christina said out loud to us all. With a sigh Tobias turned to face us. "I'll ask Erudite was it was later."

While Tobias cooked, me and Eric sat on the couch and sat there talking to each other. Tris and Christina sat at my table and talked. "I'm sorry I just left last night..." I apologized to Eric. "I'm just glad you're alright... That's all that matters, except you need to learn how to jump on a train better because you skinned your knee again." I looked down to my knee and saw it covered in blood soaked through my pants. "Man, I just got these pants. I guess I was more worried about Tobias that I didn't feel it." Eric giggled and stood up and headed over to my bathroom. "So, Tobias, how does it feel to now be 20" I brag in his face. He grunts and goes back to cooking eggs. Eric comes back out of the bathroom with my med kit and kneels to my leg. "Let me clean this for you." Eric said while placing rubbing alcohol on my leg burning the fuck out of me. "Ouch, Eric that burns!" I said to him. He rolled his eyes and went back to pretty much ripping my pants off my leg just to put a band-aid on me. By time he was finished I looked around to see everyone else staring at us. "Welp, at least you own a pair of shorts now." Tobias joked. I looked down to notice the one-legged pants I now wear. "I'm going to change..." I stand up and head towards my closet.

I open the door to my closet and look around for a decent outfit to wear. I haven't been in dauntless long, so I don't have many clothes yet, and the fact that Eric just ruined a nice pair of pants doesn't help. I found a pair of black jeans and a black crop top to go with it. I picked out my combat boots to go with it. I tied my hair back and walked back into the living room. Everyone was eating the food Tobias had made. Right as I sat down at the table by Eric that's when we all heard it. A loud crash. It shook everything. Tobias jumped up and ran over to the window. Searching for what could have made that noise he looked out, confused. Then it happened again, but this time it seemingly hit our building...

To be continued... 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2022 ⏰

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