Our love...

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It's been one week since Eric technically kidnapped me again. Our relationship is a bit patchy now and I have horrible trust issues as one would have if they had been kidnapped by their lover. I don't know what to do with the whole situation, but it makes it harder than I to see him every day due to my job. Hopefully, we can talk to each other today. Although what he did was bad, I still miss him. Everything that happened has been secret between me and Eric.

Eric's P.O.V:

As I sit across from Mia in our meeting, I notice she is staring in a blank space. Her eyes are filled with sorrow today. Tobias slams a book down onto the table in front of me to snap Mia and me out of our daydreaming state. I look up at him and he is staring right at me. I roll my eyes and look down at the book. After what I did to Tobias's father a week ago, he has been keeping an eye on me more than ever now.

When I pay more attention to the book, I notice it is the rule book of Dauntless. I look up to Mia to see her looking at me. I flash her a small smile and she does the same back to me. I miss her so much, although I keep making mistakes I want her love. She will probably never forgive me.

Tobias's POV:

I see the looks between Mia and Eric. Something happened between them. They seem distant and hurt. I can't help but feel a smile form on my lips. This is what I wanted right? But it doesn't feel right.

The smile slowly fades as I see the hurt in Mia's eyes. I sit next to her and place a hand on her shoulder. "What happened between you guys?" I say concerned. They both stare at each other once I say that. "Things are complicated," Eric says sternly. I sigh and pull Mia into a hug. "Did he hit you, Mia?" I whisper into her ear. Instantly she shakes her head no. What was going on between the two?

Mia's POV:

I break away from Tobias' hug and sigh deeply. Although our meeting isn't done I stand up and walk out of the room. I head into the pit where I find the tattoo parlor. I walk inside and end up getting another tattoo. This one shows the relationship I and Eric have. It's a woman grabbing a rose with thrones all over it causing the women to bleed. Yet she is smelling the rose and happy. Ugh, I really want to run back into Eric's arms.

After I get the tattoo I go back to my apartment. Once I close the door and turn the light on I see Eric sitting at my kitchen table. "Eric! How did you get in?" I say concerned. He doesn't say anything. I walk over to Eric and sit in the chair beside him. I place my hand on him as his eyes follow my every move. "Eric, what is wrong?" I ask again with more force. He sighs and he grabs my hand tightly. Then he pulls me onto his lap. Without thinking of anything else I just lay my head on his shoulder and breath in his scent.

I pull away and place my hands on his cheeks. With an intense passion, I kiss him and smile halfway through the kiss. Slowly our kiss grows more intense than before. Soon enough we both end up on my bed. Eric's massive frame hovers over me as he begins to trail his kisses down my body slowly taking off my clothes as he goes. I loved every moment of it as well. He slowly makes his way back up my body to my lips again. Before I knew it his huge member was in me. As soon as I adjusted to his length again he began to pick his pace up. Both of us start to moan and grab onto each other. I start to leave claw marks on Eric's back as we slowly became close to our edge. I arch my back and push Eric deeper into me as I finish. Soon enough Eric finishes as well.

Once we clean ourselves up and Eric lays down next to me, I finally notice that my apartment door was wide open. I don't know if I ever closed it, but I quickly jump up and slam it shut. I hear Eric's husky laugh behind me and I roll my eyes at him. I go and lay back in bed with Eric. "Eric Coulter...I love you"  

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