The Parent Trap

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AN: I found this in the vault and decided to share for Christmas. Wrote this during writer's block. 


I'll be home for Christmas
You can count on me
Please have snow
And mistletoe
And presents under the tree

Jazmine climbed down the ladder. She finally finished the final touches of her Christmas tree which stood 14 feet tall, glistening with white lights as well as silver ball and gold diamond ornaments. Every year she took pride in her Christmas decor.  From the moment you entered her home, you would feel as if you were entering a winter wonderland. That wasn't the only thing she took pride in. She was a very wealthy woman with all she ever wanted. A successful nurse practitioner career, a gigantic home, a wonderful son. She had everything, everything

Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love light gleams
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams

Tears glistened her eyes as "He" crossed her mind once again in December. She only thought about him twice a year. The month of "His" birthday and her favorite holiday. It became a memorial of the past on the one that broke her heart. The man whom she couldn't stop loving, even though she moved on with her life. She had married her current ex-husband, with whom she shared a handsome son, but even he could not compare to "Him". 

I'm dreaming tonight
Of a place I love
Even more than I usually do (usually do)

She couldn't believe after all these years. She can still feel him in her heart. It's been 20 years since she last saw him. They were so happy with each other until they started college, which separated them. In the end, they decided it was better to break up, so they parted ways, lived their own lives.

And although I know, it's a long road back

She wiped a tear as she noticed her phone ring. It was her son. He was calling FaceTime, she was smiling vividly when she accepted the video call.  The moment she did, his handsome face appeared on her screen. His bright green eyes that matched her widened,

"Yo, Ma! "He said urgently.

"Hello to you as well, Sebastian," she laughed at his enthusiasm.

He laughed "sorry, how are you  Mama?"

"I'm fine, I'm done decorating the Christmas tree," said Jazmine with pride.

"Again? I thought you had done it weeks ago! " He exclaimed.

"Yes, that's true, but my new Esty ornaments came in and they couldn't wait until next year,' she explained.

Sebastian shook as his head. " Ma, you're something else"

Jazmine held the phone to the tree. "That tree is something else, right?"

"Damn, that's a big ass tree!" he exclaimed.

She switched the screen back to her. "Young man. You better watch your mouth in my house!"

He laughed "technically I'm not in your house so it doesn't matter Ma" he joked.

She gave him a serious look (I'm not playing with you) that thinned his throat.

"Yes Ma'am. " He said nervously. Jazmine could only smile at the boy. He was the greatest thing that had happened to her.

"It's alright baby, "" she said softly. "Now I know you didn't call me to see how I was doing because you did that this morning." She seated herself comfortably in the chair. "So, what did you need to tell me?" She asked.

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