The Ride

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The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Ten minutes into the car ride, Jazmine haven't spoken a word. Quite often, Huey found himself unable to resist, stealing glances at her, while she kept staring at the window, watching the cars go by.

He was curious about what she was thinking at that very moment. Since their last interaction, he can't help but imagine the worst.

Huey sighed deeply as he turned his eyes back to the road. 

He had the intention of explaining his perspective on things, but he knew that Jazmine was likely upset with him, so he opted not to do so right away. It best to give a woman time to calm down. Despite her best efforts to hide her emotions, deep down, he knew behind that anger.

Jazmine was hurt.

Huey decided to break the silence as the moments passed by.

"Jazmine.. I know that you're upset with me, and you have every the right to be. Nonetheless, there are certain things we need to discuss that were misinformed. '' He said as Jazmine scoffed, rolling her eyes.

Huey continued on,

"First off, I want to apologize on behalf of My Aunt Cookie. I was unaware that she was going to mention Nina's mother. Also, I apologize that she insulted you. I want to make clear that I have never used the term 'college chick' to describe you. You were not an experience for me. You were the most important person in my life, and I wouldn't have disrespected you like that" Huey stated.

" First of all, You have no reason to apologize for something that was beyond your control," Jazmine spoke in a calm manner.

"Secondly, you can cut the crap, Huey. I've heard enough to know three things." Jazmine said, "One, you never really loved me. "

Huey eyes narrowed in disgust . "Jazmine, don't be ridiculous,"

"TWO!" Jazmine voiced raised as she interrupts him . " You were emotionally cheating on me while we were still together"

"That's a lie. I've never been unfaithful to you! " Huey said, getting angrier.

'THREE! " Jazmine raised her voice which caused Huey to tighten his grip on the steering wheel. "You were too cowardly to admit that the true reason you didn't want to marry me was because you were interested in another woman, whom you eventually settled down with "

"That's another lie. I didn't leave you for Katherine. I left simply because you wanted something I didn't think I could give you," Huey said truthfully.

Jazmine's blood boiled as she said something she hadn't done in a while, '

"Fuck you Huey! "Huey brows raised at her sudden use of profanity.

"Before we started dating, you had a comprehensive understanding of my goals and aspirations. I used to frequently express my desire to marry and have children. Yet, you continue to lead me on, so I could satisfy your needs. But when it came down to satisfying mine, you failed to make the effort " Jazmine pointed out.

"Okay. Jazmine. You got me there. I knew you what you wanted in life, but honestly I assumed you would follow me no matter what path I choose" Huey said.

Jazmine scoffed as shook her head in disbelief.

"But I was selfish and wrong to expect that from you." Huey acknowledged.

Jazmine sighed with exasperation.

Huey looked at her deeply as he stopped at a red light.

"Jazmine, the truth of the matter is. Cheating on you never crossed my mind. When I met Katherine, we had one conversation which ended with me telling her I was in a relationship. There was no physical contact, No numbers exchanged. The conversation was straightforward, and that's all there is to it." He said as proceeded to drive.

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