Unexpected News

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A/N: HI EVERYONE!! Okay, so I know this is going to be a rather odd chapter because Michael's birthday did not follow on the Glasgow concert date, but to make sure that the story runs together, I made that change. I hope you all enjoy this SUPER LONG chapter!

August 29, 1992

Glasgow, Scotland

I was pregnant...I couldn't believe it. I wasn't sure if I should be happy or scared. Happy, of course, because this was our second shot at being parents, but I was still scared because the thought of either losing the baby or killing myself was still a high possibility. I didn't go into work yesterday, which meant that going to the arena today wasn't a choice. I promised Michael that I would make an appointment today for my 'bug'. Little does he know that I am visiting the doctor to make sure that the tests were not false positives. I wrung my hands together as I waited in the bedroom to leave,

"Anna? Are you ready for your appointment?" Bill called from outside of the door. With shaky hands, I opened the door and plastered a smile on my face.

"As ready as I can be." I said to him.

"How are we feeling this morning?" Bill asked as he escorted me out the door.

"Fine! Why?"

"Michael had said that you were up all last night getting sick." I let out a deep breath before we entered into the elevator,

"O-Oh, yeah. I'm feeling better, but Michael refuses to let me go back to work until the doctor gives me the okay." Bill chuckled to himself before the elevator came to a stop in the lobby.

"That's Michael for you. I'm sure everything will be fine. If anything, it could be stress and exhaustion. It's difficult getting adjusted to his schedule." I nodded my head at his words, but internally, I knew what it really was. Yeah, right.

Bill escorted me to the car to be met with Mason who already had the car running. I figured that he was with Michael at the arena, but I forget that he has several other bodyguards that go with him. I slid in the backseat and buckled myself up, clinging to the seat belt as if my life depended on it. I was extremely nervous for this appointment, but I knew that it was bound to get worse. The ride seemed to drag on forever with the constant traffic and amount of pedestrians that crossed the roads. It was starting to feel unbearable, but we eventually pulled into the parking lot of the doctor's office. Bill opened the door for me before both him and Mason escorted me inside. Luckily, the office seemed vacant, which made it easier for me.

"Good morning, how may I help you?" A short red-headed woman greeted me, her heavy Scottish accent rolling off of her tongue,

"Yes, my name is Annabelle Simms. I called yesterday for an appointment." I hated using my maiden name, but in times like this, it made it easier for me since no one would be used to me using my original name.

"Ah, yes. Go ahead and have a seat and we'll bring you back shortly." I thanked her before taking a seat in the waiting room. All around me were neutral walls with posters of cheesy slogans fighting against AIDS, Hepatitis, and unplanned pregnancy. If that wasn't a sign.

"Annabelle Simms?" A woman with pale skin and blonde hair called out for me. I let Bill and Mason know that I would be okay to go back by myself. I followed the nurse to the back, keeping a tight hold on my purse. She took my weight and height and proceeded with my vitals as soon as we got into the room.

"Ms. Simms, what are we seeing you for today?" I let out a shaky breath, wondering if coming straight out with it would be better or worse,

"I've been feeling really sick for the past few days." I said to her lowly.

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