Happy Days Are Here Again

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Monday had come once again, just like it does every week. I took my time in getting out of bed, hoping that I could just lie here a little longer without anyone bothering me, but of course I couldn't have any time to myself. The phone in the kitchen began to ring constantly as I groaned in agony. I threw back the covers and padded across the hard wood floor and into the kitchen.

"Hello?" I yawned exhaustedly.

"So I'm looking outside of my hotel room window and the view is actually pretty nice from up." Michael's energetic voice answered.

"You just have to appreciate nature and all its beauty." I slumped into the barstool chair, only to miss it and fall on the ground.

"Ouch." I angrily said in the phone.

"What did you do now?" Michael questioned curiously.

"Well, before you called I was enjoying my time  laying quietly in bed and now I fell on the ground thanks to you." I lifted myself off of the floor and plopped down on the correct bench as I rubbed my back soothingly.

"It will knock some sense into the hard head of yours." He joked.

"You're a terrible person." I replied back.

"Yeah, yeah." I could feel the roll of his eyes from the other line.

"Whatever Michael. What do you have planned for today?" I trudged into my bedroom and began to set out my clothes for work.

"Nothing interesting, I've already got the details for the tour set up so I'm just going to be hanging around and trying to enjoy my only couple of days of freedom before I leave." He sighed heavily.

"Well if you want, I'm heading to work. Did you maybe want to come?" I offered.

"Yeah I'd love to. What time should I be by?" Michael asked excitedly.

"I'm leaving in about an hour, so you can come by before that if you want?" I slid the phone between my shoulder and ear as I put things neatly into the bag, such as a towel and other necessities.

"Sounds great! I'll see you then, bye Anna." The excitement in his voice made me smile. No one has ever been interested in watching young girls dance, unless it is the parents. I stripped myself of my pajamas and replaced them with sweatpants and a tank top. I began my morning routines only to be interrupted by a knocking sound. It couldn't have been Michael's since his hotel is about nine blocks away from where I live. I opened the door to be greeted by a very exhausted Aubrey.

"Can you just give me my keys so I can get to work?" She yawned. I chuckled as I went to grab her keys and hand them to her.

"Here, have a good day." I was about to close the door when she stopped it with her hand.

"Uh-uh. You're giving me details right now on what happened, you're never this happy." She brought herself into the apartment as she waited impatiently.

"Look I have to get to work. Goodbye Aubrey." I shoved her out my door.

"I'm going to find out what happened and there's nothing you can do to stop me." Aubrey declared with determination while disappearing down the stairs. I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I began to finish up.

Once everything was packed and cleaned up, it was already time for me to head out. I waited for an extra couple of minutes for Michael, but he didn't show. I sighed to myself and opened up the door to see Michael holding two cups and a bag.

"Sorry that I'm late, but I thought that you might need some energy before work." He smiled shyly. I embraced him quickly before locking my door and walking down the stairs with him.

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