Change of Pace

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(Anna's POV)

After waking up from my coma, I was told to stay in the hospital for a while longer, which went by in a flash. Luckily, I got to leave today and take Delilah with me. The thought of coming in here pregnant and leaving here with a baby was insane. Michael hadn't left my side once through all of this, but I knew that once we got comfortable in our little bubble, we had to leave to go across the world. I think that was one of the most difficult things to deal with, the thought of starting the life of parenting while on the road.

"Hi baby," Michael greeted me as he entered my room with Delilah's new essentials, as well as the discharge papers.

"Hi," I greeted with a yawn. It was baffling to know that even after sleeping for so long, I was still very exhausted.

"Once we sign these, we are good to go. Then you can go home and rest while I wait on you, hand and foot." I chuckled softly before standing up slowly. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him in for an intimate kiss. Our lips moved in sync for quite some time, until we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. We both parted and turned to see Dr. Kleinman standing in the doorway,

"I hope I am not interrupting anything," She wiggled her eyebrows, causing me to blush in embarrassment, "I just wanted to come by and check on you before you left."

"I'm feeling great, just a little tired." She nodded her head, almost as if she was expecting that answer,

"After being in a coma, having a baby, and beginning the breast feeding process, it is normal for you to feel overly exhausted. I recommend catching up on as much rest as possible. I'm not sure what your plan is after this, but I don't think it's a good idea to travel for at least a few weeks or so." I glanced at Michael who returned a bright smile,

"Thank you Dr. Kleinman, for everything." She gave us a wide smile in return,

"It's my job. In your discharge papers, I have included a list of pediatricians in the area that do kind of what I do. If you'd like to check one of them out, I highly recommend you do so. Just give me a call on which one you decided and I'll send over all of your paperwork. It was a pleasure working with you both." She shook both of our hands before walking back out the door. As soon as she left, the nurses from the nursery brought in Delilah who was already up and flailing around.

"There's my girl!" Michael announced as he picked her up from her cart,

"I hope you guys take care of yourselves. I know we'll miss this little one." I smiled in appreciation for her kind words, "By the way, we'll also send over the photos we took for you once we get them back from the photographer." I cocked an eyebrow at her words, but Michael gave me a knowing look before thanking the nurse.

"Let's get home, shall we?" Michael asked as he handed me the baby and called for Bill. I held her in my hands and watched her close her beautiful eyes. Hopefully, she'll stay sleeping until we get home.


Once we arrived back at Neverland a few hours later, I felt like I could breathe. Michael and I were finally back in our own space, and what was nice about it was that there was nothing negative going on. We could finally be ourselves without having to look over our shoulders or wonder if one of us was going to make it through the day. Luckily, after we left the hospital, there were not any lingering paparazzi that were eager to get a picture of our baby. The last thing that I needed was to have her on the cover of some sleazy tabloid. Delilah had stayed asleep the entire ride home, but as soon as the car stopped, she woke up in a fit.

"You are definitely your father's daughter." I chuckled to myself, reminiscing on the times that I caught Michael sleeping in the car. I swear, nothing could wake that man up, but if you stop the car, he was awake. I picked her writhing figure up from her carseat before walking inside. Michael had already brought in our things and met me as soon as I sat down in the living room,

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