Chapter Two: Stormy Nights

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Sam and I made our way back inside to freshen up before heading out. Sam slipped his black t-shirt back on, followed by the familiar jean jacket he wore back in Scotland. I walked into the bathroom. I ran my hairbrush through the knots in my hair. I stepped back and took in my appearance in the mirror once more.

I walked back into the bedroom to find Sam shuffling through my closet. He turned to me once he realized I was watching him. "How many clothes do you need?" He asked sarcastically.

"Why are you in my closet?" I countered. He laughed lightly as he continued his ravaging.

"Well, it started out with trying to find that dress you wore in Italy. Now I'm just snooping through your shit." He said as he straightened up. I smiled slightly at the mention of the dress in Italy. I made sure to keep that dress pristine. A reminder of the day Sam and I met. A reminder of our first night together. 

He walked out of the closet, turning off the light and shutting the door behind him. Sam sighed, running his hand through his hair. "I guess let's get this show on the road." He pouted. I cupped his cheek with my hand. I dragged my finger softly against his cheek and he covered my hand with his.

"It's just a shopping trip. You'll live." I teased. Sam rolled his eyes playfully before walking away. I chuckled as I grabbed my purse and jacket. We walked to the garage and I opened the door. I hit the garage door opener and the overhead light turned on, revealing my blue Porsche Macan. 

"Holy shit! A Porsche? You bought a fucking Porsche?" Sam exclaimed. I laughed as he walked around the car excitedly, examining it closely. "You gotta let me take it for a ride." He pleaded. 

"Nope. No way that's happening." I rejected his idea right away. I'm not even sure Sam has a license. Obviously not a legit one at least. And his driving in King's Bay made my decision easy. Sam groaned as he took shotgun. I got into the drivers seat and started her up, the engine purring to life. Sam practically moaned in the seat next to me. I laughed and he shot a glare my way.

"I never would've pegged you as a Porsche kinda girl." He mentioned as he dragged his fingers lightly against the dashboard.

"What car would you have pictured me in then?" I asked him. I pulled out of the garage and started the trek to the mall. Sam glanced around in thought. I tried to keep my eyes on the road, but the concentration on his face made that difficult.

"Maybe a Wrangler, or a Suburu. Ya know, like a real explorers car." You could practically hear his smile as he spoke. I burst out laughing and he joined me.

"Yeah totally. A should've chosen a real explorers car." I snickered. It got quiet between us. The radio played softly in the background. A local classic rock station was the only thing keeping us from complete silence. I looked over to see Sam...anxious? His leg slightly bouncing, the constant glances in the mirror and out the windows.

Once we got to the mall he didn't seem much better. It was quite busy already, despite it only going on about noon. Sam took my hand in his as we walked, filling me with butterflies. He's always been one for the little gestures.

After dragging him around the entire mall for about two hours, we finally made it back to the car. Sam insisted on carrying all the bags himself, no matter how much I protested. He laid them gently in the trunk for me as I hopped back in the driver's seat. He joined me, sighing as he sat down.

"I realized something in there. You don't have a Christmas tree up. In fact, you don't have any Christmas decorations around your place." Sam said quite seriously to me. I didn't see Sam being the type to be so serious over Christmas decorations.

"I, um, I haven't decorated for Christmas since my parents passed. I'm usually never home for it, no reason to celebrate." I explained as Sam rest his hand on my knee. No one has ever questioned my lack of enthusiasm for Christmas. Then again, it's never been discussed before. I saw a small smile take over Sam's face, and confusion took over mine.

"Well, I say we go get a tree and lights and whatever the hell else will bring out the Christmas spirit." He suggested eagerly. I thought about it for a second, biting my lip in concentration. 

"Okay fine. You had to put up the tree and lights though." I told him, extending my hand for him to shake on it. He smiled, taking my hand in his and giving it a firm shake. 

I parked at Target and we walked inside. Sam seemed a bit overwhelmed. We got a cart and he pushed it as I directed him where to go. We picked a pre-lit artificial tree. Sam picked the topper as I picked the tree skirt. Together we picked the ornaments. I walked over to the novelty ones and held up an engagement ornament. Sam raised an eyebrow at me as I added it to the collection. He picked out lights to hang outside and we finished our trip. 

Once home, Sam set up the tree before going outside to hang the lights. I began decorating the tree. It feels surreal that Sam is back. That he's actually here. In the flesh. Just days ago I was actually doubting that Sam would ever return. I guess I shouldn't doubt the man. Everything's always worked out in the end. I heard the front door and turned to see Sam peeking his head in. "I'm done, come see it!" He called out eagerly. I smiled, putting one of the last ornaments on the tree before joining him outside. He hung the lights perfectly, even taking the time to line the driveway with lights. "We had some extra lights so I figured I'd get a little fancy." Sam explained as I gazed at his work. 

"I love it." I turned, hugging him tightly. He returned the hug and we just stood together outside, stuck in the embrace. I pulled away softly and he took my hand in his. 

"C'mon Rudolph, let's get you inside where it's warm." Sam teased. Out of everything we've been through, him picking that nickname has to be one of the worst things he's done.

I woke up to a large crack of thunder in the middle of the night. It was strong enough to shake up the house a bit. The rain slammed into the roof, and the wind whistled against the windows. I turned over, reaching out for Sam. However, my hand just fell onto an empty mattress. My eyes shot wide awake, and I sat up looking around the dark room. I got up and walked towards the living room. I walked out to find Sam sitting on the couch. He had one of my books in his hands and the fireplace had a small flame going. He closed the book once he noticed me emerging from the bedroom. "Hey. What are you doing up? Are you okay?" He asked seemingly worried. I smiled as I sat next to him.

"I was about to ask you the same thing. The storm woke me up and when I turned over you weren't there." He sighed as the words left my mouth. He leaned over, putting the book down on the coffee table to give me his undivided attention. 

"I don't sleep much." He said nonchalantly. My eyebrows furrowed together. 

"When did this start?" My question made him laugh. His laugh seemed like I missed some sort of inside joke. 

"I've never been one to sleep easily. Can't remember the last time I had a normal night's sleep." He explained, running his hand through his hair. 

"But you haven't had the problem since we met?" I thought back to the time we spent together. The few times we got to sleep next to each other for the night. I couldn't remember Sam having issues sleeping then. 

"Well you wouldn't know. You always fall asleep before me." Sam pointed out. I just nodded in response and he opened his arms. I took the invitation and we curled up together on the couch. The lightning illuminating the room from the balcony doors. 

"Do you have bad dreams?" I asked, breaking the silence. My voice barely above a whisper volume. 

"Oh yeah, all the time." Sam chuckled against me. "I'm completely used to those and the insane lack of sleep. Do you?" 

I bit my lip and nodded. Sam tightened his grip around me for support. He moved my hair aside and rest his head against mine softly. 

"I'm gonna turn those into good dreams. Just you wait." 

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