Chapter Three: Revelation

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Christmas Eve

"Do we really have to drive all the way into Georgia?" Sam asked as he packed his suitcase. His version of packing was merely throwing shit together until it fit, meaning I had to fix it for him. I pat his hip and motioned for him to move out of the way. He huffed and sat down on the edge of the bed as I began to fold his clothes.

"Yes, we do. Nathan and Elena rented some house in the mountains for Christmas. It'll be nice." Sam didn't seem quite convinced. "Your brother misses you, Sam."

He laid back onto the bed, his shirt rising to expose his lower abdomen. I playfully pulled his shirt down, earning a chuckle from him. The laughter didn't last long, and he got quiet. "Okay, what the hell is going on?" I pried.

Sam rolled his eyes and let out a breath. Getting him to open up about anything is utterly impossible. This man doesn't even like saying what he wants for dinner. "It's just..." He started. I zipped the suitcase and put it down next to the bed. I sat next to Sam, resting my hand on his thigh. He closed his eyes before reopening them to focus on the ceiling.

"I don't know how to face Nathan after all the shit I put him through. I could barely come back to face you. Ya know I was here for a week before I finally knocked on your door?" Sam laughed as he took in my reaction. A mix of surprise and confusion. "Yeah. Stayed in a hotel at the airport. Drank myself away for 5 days in that room. Couldn't grow the balls to see you." He put his hand on top of mine. "Now, I have to relive that same feeling for hours in the car going into Georgia."

"Your brother is the most forgiving person I've ever met." I assured him.

"You and Nathan seem to have that in common." He chuckled as he got up from the bed. "Oh, and you're letting me drive at least part of the way there."

"If you crash my car, you won't have to worry about facing Nathan again." I threatened with a smile on my face, standing up from the bed to face Sam. He laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist. I draped my arms around his neck as we stood quietly together. "Is that why you've been so...nervous since you showed up? Because of me?"

Sam nodded slowly. "I feel like any second I'm gonna fuck up. Like any second you're gonna realize you can do better and that'll be the end of it." His words were barely a whisper between us and his grip tightened around my waist.

"I love you." I put my hands on his cheeks so he had to look at me. "I risked everything, including my own life, for you. I lost someone, for you. So cut it out with the butterflies bullshit." I said sternly but with a smile creeping onto my face.

"I love you too." He returned the smile before lightly smacking my ass. I rolled my eyes as he laughed. "Alright, let's get this show on the road." He sighed, picking up the suitcases and leading to the garage.

We'd been in the car for hours now, with the GPS telling us we only had about 10 minutes until we arrived. Sam was driving, and had been for the last few hours. Outside the car was a white wonderland. Luckily, the heat inside kept me from fully experiencing the harsh winter. I shifted and glanced at my duffle bag that sat in the backseat. I packed Rafe's gun in there when Sam couldn't see. He doesn't know I have it. I can't bare to leave it out of my reach. It's the only thing I have left of Rafe. Although I shouldn't be sad at all about his...passing, I am. I miss him. Every Christmas he'd send flowers to my house and a card. I didn't see him for years until that auction and yet every Christmas leading to that, flowers were on my doorstep.

I always think about the what ifs with Rafe. I regret not taking more time with him in King's Bay. I regret not trying to talk some sense into him. I regret not using his affinity for me to keep him alive. I didn't know he wouldn't make it out of that trip. Sam and I have never even discussed it. I have zero clue what happened on that ship. I just assumed Sam took him out.

I felt a single tear escape my eye and I quickly wiped it before Sam could see. I looked up and through the windshield was a gorgeous cabin. Typical log style, with the smoke billowing from the chimney. "Looks like we arrived." Sam announced unenthusiastically. I took a deep breath as Sam parked the car. We looked at each other for reassurance before getting out and grabbing our luggage. I heard a door behind us and Nathan's cheerful laugh.

"Hey! You guys finally made it!" I turned as Nathan engulfed me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around him tightly, missing him dearly. We pulled away as him and Sam had a brief exchange. Nathan began explaining everything about the house as we brought the luggage inside.

Inside the cabin was huge. A beautiful stone fireplace in the living room, with glass doors exposing the backyard. A huge porch outside of those doors with a balcony above it. Nathan explained where to find our room before taking off to get Sully and Elena. I looked up at Sam and he seemed just as overwhelmed as me. "And I thought your house was over the top." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and began up the stairs to our room. I could hear Sam's laugh as he followed me.

Our room was simple. A navy bedspread against a dark wood frame, cream colored walls, and a floral patterned rug adorned the room. Our own bathroom was just next to the closet. Sliding doors led from our bedroom onto the balcony that sprawled across the entire back of the house. I stood next to the sliders, staring out into the dark woods. Sam's arms wrapped around my waist as he rest his chin atop my head. "What's up with you?" He asked quietly.

"What do you mean? I'm fine." I shrugged lightly. Sam was smart enough to not buy my bullshit.

"You've been awfully quiet, and we both know how much you love to talk." He planted a kiss on top of my head before pulling me over to sit on the bed with him. "Now spill."

I sighed while looking at my hands in my lap. I don't want to tell him the truth, but I also have no backup plan to get around it. I took a deep breath before deciding to let it out. "So...I miss Rafe." Sam looked taken back by my confession. He looked off past me as his jaw clenched.

"You miss him? Really?" He asked with what sounded like a smug laugh. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"See this is why I didn't tell you." I groaned standing up. Sam grabbed my wrist but I pulled it from his grasp. "I know you hated Rafe. Trust me, I know. I can't say the same." He stood up and acted like he was about to speak before we were interrupted.

"Hey guys dinner everything okay?" Nathan asked from the doorway.

"Peachy." Sam mumbled as he walked away from me and pushed past Nathan. I quickly tried to compose myself as Nathan stood shocked in the doorway.

"Do you wanna talk about that?" He asked softly. I pat the bed across from me as I sat down again. Nate joined me and I began explaining everything.

"He kinda got pissy when I told him I miss Rafe. Which, to me, is ridiculous. I'm still mourning. How can he act like I have no right to be upset when he...killed my first love?" I finished, wiping tears from my eyes.

"Mara..." Nathan trailed, taking my hand in his. "Sam didn't kill Rafe. I did." My eyes widen and a sob croaked out of me. Sam never wanted to discuss what when down that day. I never pried it out of him either. Hearing it from Nathan, and hearing that it was him who did it, felt like a ton of bricks.

"I-I don't understand-"

"Rafe went mad. He picked up a sword and tried killing me. Sam was pinned under a piece of lumber and we barely made it out. I had no choice." I wiped the tears as they began falling from my eyes. "If I could go back and figure out a way to get him out of there, I would've." Nathan reassured me.

I stayed silent as I processed what he just told me. I could hear Sam, Sully, and Elena talking downstairs; which meant going downstairs soon. "C'mon, let's go get something to eat and we'll deal with later yeah?" Nathan asked, snapping me from my thoughts. I quietly nodded and he smiled before helping me up and out of the room.

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