Hello Casita

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A few hours had passed since Mirabels disappearance. The sun was finally out, bringing light to the sunken house. Turns out the whole city was also being effected by the fall of the home of the Madrigals.

A prominent crack across the road. From a far was Luisa who called out her younger sister's name, hoping for her to respond or just appear safe and sound.

Everyone else were calling out Mirabel's name. Like her mother and father, her tío Félix and tía Pepa. Even her cousins were searching hard for her. Dolores tried to hear wherever her younger cousin was, sighing dissapointedly, remembering that her gift was no more.

[Y/n] also called out for Mirabel's name with the help of her father too who came in to help find her daughter's friend.

There was no use, she wasn't anywhere even how hard they tried to yell, to find. There was nothing, no hint to where Mirabel Madrigal was.

Well, except for a single strand of yarn caught into a prickly plant. Alma was the one who caught sight of it, but she stopped from making another step when she noticed where this path lead to.

But, for her granddaughter.. she let's go of the past, and continued forth to the forest that leaded to a river.

There sat Mirabel who sobbed into her arms, abuela felt guilty at the sight of her la nieta. The old woman mustered the courage to speak, walking closer to the girls shaking figure.

"Mirabel." Mirabel further hid her face in her arms at the sound of her grandmother, muttering an apology. "I didn't wanna hurt us, I just wanted to.. to mean something." The teen's voice was shaking, sniffling.

Alma silently breathed in before taking a seat next to Mirabel. The woman looked off to a distance, taking in the familiar surroundings. "I've never been able, to go back here."

The still river echoed a silent sound, glistening small light that came from the grayish sky in where they were at. "This river." She was hesitant to continue, but still did so. Her face fallen at the memory of the past. "Is where we were given a miracle."

"Where abuelo Pedro.." where he saved his family, and brought the miracle to them. "I thought I would be a different woman.."

Alma was just a young woman when she first met the love of her life, Pedro.

They would hang out and tell stories to eachother, giving eachother company. Who knew that it'll end up with them marrying eachother.

They moved in with eachother, having the rest of their lives planning their future, their family. Where they'll live happily to their hearts content.

Long long years ago, she was expecting three children. Triplets. Her husband couldn't wait to see his little babies, to see them grow and shine just the way they are.

Triplets, it'll be hard to manage, but with him beside her helping her take care of their children. It didn't look so hard.

There in their bedroom, the married couple sat with their soft eyes on their newborns who slept without a sound in their mother's arms. Yet the moment didn't last long before fire strikes the town.

Men with horses and weapons. Threw torches and fire into people's houses, right outside their window.

They had to evacuate their home, with everything they've got. They wandered off into the hills and into the distance was the town burning down.

With everyone right behind them as Pedro shined a light to their path. A candle in his hands.

They traveled through the river, others passing them as sprinting hooves can be heard. The yells and shouts of men from behind them.

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