14. The Battle at the Ministry

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After flying for a few hours, the thestrals arrived outside the Ministry of Magic. Harry told the thestrals to wait for them in a nearby park. Then he led the others towards the secret entrance to the Ministry.

When they went inside, the Ministry was deserted. It looked so different without all the people that were there the last time Harry came through.

"The lifts are, err, this way," said Harry.

The lift doors opened, and they all squeezed inside. It was a bit tight with the seven of them, but luckily the ride down didn't take long. When the doors opened again, Harry led the way along the corridor.

"The department of mysteries is down this way," he said. "I recognise it from my vision."

"That's lucky," said Ron.

They soon reached the door. Harry tried the handle, and fortunately it was not locked.

When they went in, they found a huge room filled with rows and rows of shelves. And on the shelves were thousands of crystal balls.

"Sirius was down this way," said Harry, as he went running off through the shelves.

When Harry reached the spot from his vision, he found it was empty.

"I don't understand, Sirius should be here," said Harry.

The others caught up with him, and looked around for any signs of what happened to Sirius. As they did, Elena noticed something on the shelf near her.

"Hey, little bro," she said. "This ball has got your name on it."

Harry went to look at what Elena was talking about. He picked up the crystal ball to get a closer look. When he did, a voice was heard coming from it.

"The one who will vanquish the dark lord will have a power he does not possess," said the voice.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of footsteps approaching. A group of Death Eaters came out of the shadows and walked towards them. At the front was Lucius Malfoy.

"You know, you should really learn to tell the difference between dreams and reality," said Lucius. "Now hand over the prophecy before you get hurt."

"Don't threaten my brother!" Elena shouted. "Stupify!"

Lucius was knocked backwards by the blast from Elena's wand. In the moment of confusion afterwards, Harry and the others reacted quickest and shot stunning charms at the rest of the Death Eaters. A few got knocked back, and the rest fled. It gave Harry the opportunity to escape. He grabbed Elena's hand, and together they turned and ran towards the door.

The Death Eaters regrouped, and started to pursue them. Hermione and Ginny started to fire charms at them. One of Ginny's spells hit the shelves, and caused them to start collapsing.

Harry reached the door and ran through it, followed by the others. But on the other side the floor had disappeared, and there was a long drop. They fell for a long way, but they stopped just before they hit the ground.

When Elena stood up, she could see they were in a large dark room. In front of them was an ominous looking archway. Elena stepped closer and looked at the veil that filled the archway.

Suddenly, Harry called out. "Get behind me."

Elena looked around to see the Death Eaters were flying towards them again. They were surrounded by darkness as the Death Eaters flew between them.

When the darkness lifted, Harry was standing alone. All his friends were being held hostage by the Death Eaters. Lucius Malfoy walked forwards towards Harry with his wand out.

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