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A sob breaks through my mouth and I cover it as the force lets go of me and I back away from the incubator completely as I run away from it. Adrenaline courses through my veins as I watch the incubator and I watch as it breaks open and I let out a blood curdling scream as I turned on my heels and tried to wake myself up as I ran away from the monsteriousity that would be let loose.


I jolt awake and I look at Willow and Rein. Willow had a look of concern on her face as Rein looked startled and confused about what was going on and I felt the same. I look around the bleak room that is filled with test tubes, machinery, but no clock. I looked back to Willow.

"What day is it?"

Willow looked stunned beyond belief and I was about to answer her when Rein answered in her stead.

"January 1st, it's the New Year."

I nod my head as I look up to the ceiling and I lean back into the cot as for once in my 23 years of living I finally felt human.

I finally felt like I wasn't the cause of my parents' death or millions of suffering and dying and somewhere in reality I could hear Willow telling Rein to go outside and not even seconds had passed that Rein had returned and said everything looked normal before the zombie outbreak. I could hear Willow crying and asking how she would ever tell my siblings of my death, but my mind was elsewhere. I felt lighter than air and I felt free.

"Thank you, Gerome." 

A Far Leap Into the Fog: short storyWhere stories live. Discover now