Chapter 2

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I walked downstairs and looked for something me and Jonah could eat. The only thing I could find was popcorn, canned vegetables, and frozen food. The last time I tried to heat canned food the pot got a hole in it, and I can't cook for my life, so frozen food is out of the option.

When he gets here we might order out, I'm pretty sure popcorn won't fill us up.

I honestly don't consider Jonah a baby sitter because we've been best friends our entire lives. He only recently started baby sitting me a couple months before I started having my dreams.

That's also when about 7 kids went missing in different states. I don't remember exactly what happened because no one went missing from my state. All I know is that it was big in the news and that my mom was pretty shooken up about it. When her sister was about my age she also went missing, and it triggered her memories. She hasnt told me much about the story because she bursts out in hysterics, saying she can't. It was a traumatizing event for her so I don't ask her about it.

"...That's probably what she was hinting at this whole time. She doesn't want me to end up like her sister." I whispered to myself. When mom comes home I have to-

"OPEN THE DOOR Z!" My heart pounded in my chest as I heard Jonah knock and yell for me.

"COMING!" I hope he wasn't waiting long. God only knows how long I've been stuck in my thoughts.

"Hey Jonah," I said looking at the bag of chinese food in his hand.

"Are you just gonna stand there and drool until your mouth dries out or what?" He pushed past me into the kitchen laughing, "What are you burning?"

I sniffed the air with wide eyes and ran into the kitchen opening the microwave. Coughing as a gust of smoke hit my face, Jonah complimented me on my cooking skills, "I love burnt popcorn, can I get it in a holed pot?"

"Ok Macklemore, how about you come out from hiding and hit us up with your new album?"

"Uh. Yeah. Lets go. We in the kitchen. Zella is bitchin. I bought some food and she aint even pitch in."

"Top notch bars," I said plainly while cleaning out the microwave of blackened beads.

"Hey, I'm not the one who needs a baby sitter."

"Oh my God. Jonah." I said spinning around so fast my eyes hurt.

He took a step back holding up his hands, "Woah, woah. Calm down." he said jokingly.

"Why are you baby sitting me?" I felt my face go hot as I thought about what he might say. There's really only one answer I can get, and I know that, but what if he starts talking fast?

I saw his facial expression drop for a split second, and then he laughed, "Why are you asking me this? Shouldn't you ask your mom?"

"I did, she avoids the question, or tells me it's for my safety, but I know it's more than that. So, I'm asking you because I know you won't avoid it and that you'll tell me the truth. I also know that you asked her why she needed you to babysit me because you said so yourself that it's weird" I said starring in his eyes.

"Well she said it's because her sister disapearred at your age and those kids that went missing last year reminded her of her sister and that she didn't want you to go missing either." He said really fast in one big sentence.

heaven, purgatory, hell.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن