Chapter 4

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This is ridiculous.

"Chloe, just let me make you a dress, we've been walking round for 6 hours now, and I really want to cry and eat chocolate. I can't do this shopping thing anymore." I wailed. She doesn't even look tired, I on the other hand, need a nice sit down, and possibly something fruity and alcoholic in my hand.

She looks at me in fake shock. "Oh stop moaning, just one more shop and then we can surrender to your mystical powers."

"Oh my god, really. Then we can go home?! Get in that shop quick girl." I hurried Chloe into the last little shop down the strip.

As we walk in the door pings and instantly I know it's a fellow fairy as my fairy perks up. Woo, fairy power. (not the washing up liquid)

"Hello there, is there anything I can help you with." We turned to face a little old lady, who I've got to say, didn't really dress for her age, but totally rocked her outfit.

"Hi, oh my friend here is looking for a dress for when the alphas son returns." I said gesturing to Chloe and she gives a little wave.

She stares at me for a little while and I see streaks of light go through here eyes telling me she's talking to her inner fairy. I hope she doesn't stay like this for long, I'm not very good with awkward silences.

She lowers her head and says, "yes mam of course, all of my gowns and dresses are on the back wall, follow me please."

So we do. We thank her and she lets us have a good route through. I swear there better be something in here.

"Oo this is cute." oh thank god she's found something. Chloe lifts out a long red tight dress that has a slit right to the mid thigh. It's perfect for Chloe.

"Oh I like it! Please try it on and please buy it, I'll even buy it for you!"

She laughs at my pleading and pops into the dressing room.

When she comes out I can honestly say, I doubted my sexuality for a minute. "Omg Chloe, s-t-u-n-n-I-n-g. If you don't find your mate at this welcome back party, I'll have ya."

Chloe burst out laughing, "Oh stop it you, I really like it, it's just..." Oh god no please don't drag me into another 'last' shop. "I don't like the top bit, I wish it was halter neck"

"Oh don't worry about that, I can change that!" I replied, where there's a will there's a way, and I can't have anymore will left in me to leave!

"Ahh really!" Chloe shrieked.

"Yeah sure, now buy it and let's leave."


"Just stand still Chloe, your moving too much there's going to be glitter all over the damn place."

"Well your glitters cold and I can't help it if my body has the cheek to shiver in order to raise my body temperature due to homeostasis." She's a right smart arse is Chloe.

"Just keep still for pete sake." I snapped back. I worked my magic and now Chloe has a halter neck dress!

"Oh I love it thank you so much Jess!" She said hugging me.

"Oh it's okay, I hardly ever use my powers it's nice to be able to!"

"Omg jess, what day did your mum say chase was coming back?" Says Chloe as she moves towards the window.

"Tomorrow, why?"

"Well, he's just pulled up outside his house."

"What?! No no no, he can't be here now I don't even look nice, I'm not emotionally or physically ready, I haven't had my internal pep talk. I hate how your the betas daughter. Why do you have to live next to him." Dread filled my entire body. I wasn't ready to see Chase, and especially not with some model on his arm. I can't do this, I can't.

I feel panic slowly overtake me, I can't deal with any of this, it's too much. I can't see him.

"Breathe jess, breathe. Don't have another panic attack on me, just breathe. In and out, slowly." Chloe put her hands on either side of my shoulder and mimicked breathing to help me. Then she wiped away a stray tear I didn't even know had fell.

"You're okay Jess, you don't need him. Your so strong."

I certainly didn't feel it. I turned my head to see if he'd gone into the house. Instead of being met with a loved up couple or the pavement, I was met with two strikingly beautiful ice blue eyes I'd never forget. Chase. Although, Chases eyes never became dull. These ones were. Sadness, anger, surprise, were the most obvious emotions swirling in his eyes, but underneath it and the most confusing, pride, love and... guilt?

I opened my mouth to speak but ended up looking like a fish. I couldn't even make a sound. He stayed there looking at me in the window. I broke eye contact looking for the girl who I'll envy for the rest of my life. But nobody was there. I looked closer into the car he'd gotten out of, but alas, no one.

"Jess, jess. Hello earth to jess. Could you, I don't know, turn off whatever the hell it is your doing!!!" Chloe snapped me out of my trance.

There was black, everywhere. Chloe was trapped against a wall by it. Everything in her room was covered by a thick layer of black glitter.

I ran over to her to try and prise her off the wall. "Oh god Chloe I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

"Never mind me, are you okay? Nothing like this has ever happened before. I think you need to see Jolene and find out what the hell this is." She was right, I should see Jolene, she's the eldest fairy on record and knows everything about everything and everyone.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine, I will. I'll see her tomorrow. I'm so sorry I've done this, ill clean it up I promise." I sigh and try and summon my fairy to move it. But she doesn't respond. Nothing happens. I try again to do something, anything. But again, nothing happens.

"Jess, omg jess are you okay. All the colours draining out of you." I heard Chloe faintly say.

"I don't know where she is" I whispered.

"Where who is Jess?"

"I don't know" I cried back. And then I ran.

Photo of Chloe's dress! What do you think? Can you tell I like sherri hill dresses yet? Haha. 😊

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