Strawberry Cake

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Everyone had finished their food. Miu helped you clean up and Nobu left to go see Hachi. After, Shin, Yasu, and Miu left to go home. 

That just leaves you and Nana tonight.

After everyone left, you notice that Nana is running a bath for herself. 

"Do you want any bath salts for your bath?" you ask. "My bath? This is our bath, but yes, get us some bath salts", Nana says, looking into the bubbling water. You pause and hear your heart pounding from your chest. You go over to the cabinet and grab the bath salts. You walk back over to the bath and pour them into the tub. Nana gets undressed and steps into the tub. She looks at you confused. 

"Are you coming in or what?" Nana says. "Oh yeah, sorry", you say nervously.

Hesitantly, you get undressed and step into the tub. 

Nana is so graceful with her movements. She's like a painting. 

Nana grabs your hand with a washcloth and starts washing you. "Ren used to do this to me when he was here", Nana says looking down. Nana's eyes are filled with sadness. 

I wish Nana would be happy...maybe I could cheer her up tonight. 

You guys finish up your bath and clean up the bathroom.

"Hey Nana, I only have one bedroom. Do you want me to set up a mattress for you on the floor?" you ask.

"No, don't worry about that. I'll just sleep with you, in your bed", Nana says, slightly smirking.

Your face flushes and you look down, every muscle tightening in your body. You don't even realize your smiling. It's finally happening.  

You crawled into the bed and gestured Nana to follow. 

Nana, dressed in her loose pjs, turns around and starts walking slowly towards your bed. With every single step, you start to loose your breath. You find your self without a place to put your eyes, when she suddenly asks you to unbutton up her blazer. Your red face begins to calm, as you start to get comfortable.  

Your hands start to move as if by themselves. Nana's dress falls to the ground. She crawls into bed on top of you. The lingering scent of strawberry cake brushed passed your nose and caused your anticipation to increase with every lasting breath.

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