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Hi to all, first I would like to thank each of you for clicking on my story. Now I am not a professional writer at all but I love to write in my free time. A little background before I go further is when I was sixteen I woke up to find out my father had been murdered in the line of duty. That led me on a path for the worst. I became severely depressed and had PTSD from knowing specific details of what happened to my dad. I was a daddy's girl growing up so it affected me big time losing him. I am 20 now but last year around October when I was 19 I fell into this really bad hole, it was so dark and cold there. I was constantly crying and praying to get out. That hole was depression. There was one thing that kept me sane through the next five months. That was Harry Potter. I became obsessed with the series and all it had to offer as a series and I always like to say when I explain it to people like this. Fred and George Weasley remind me of the girl I once was, when my dad was here. Me and my dad played pranks all the time. There was one time my dad stole a handicap sign and put it in front of my moms car as a joke and it backfired my mom didn't talk to him for like a week. But then there is Draco, who is who I became after my dad died. A shell of who I once was. Hence why he eventually would become my favorite character. I could relate to him on an emotional level. Now that we have that out of the way. I want to give all rights to JK Rowling for her characters and her plot line. The Sinclair's are my original characters I created for this book specifically. Now, as you will come to find out, the first chapter will be of their first year, that first train ride, meeting their new friends, and the sorting. This is to give you a look into their friendship before they begin Hogwarts. But by the second chapter I will have jumped to their Fourth year. This is because quite frankly I wasn't a fan of their first three years and I felt fourth year is where it starts to get good as well as they will be old enough to begin to fully understand their feelings for each other and the situations they will be put in. I would also like to apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes, I am writing this to finish this. Along the way I won't be double checking my writing. With that said constructive criticism is appreciated but please do not be rude to one another I want to create a safe space for everyone to have their own opinions. Another thing please forgive me if I do not follow the plot of the original series in detail. I may forget some things and I apologize ahead of time. Thank you and enjoy my book! I love you all!

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