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    We had all gone our separate ways. I had tried going with Draco, but our parents told us we couldn't. The Malfoy's were housing Death Eaters there and they didn't want me around them just yet. I clutched his hand with tears in my eyes. I would miss him, I already miss him. Our manor was so big but so empty, it was eerie and quiet. Voices bounced off the walls. Everything echos. It was always just me, my mama, and my papa. But, our manor like the Malfoy manor had been passed through many generations. One day this one would become my manor. I sat in my room, sitting by my window as I gazed out at our garden. It was, once upon a time, me and Draco's favorite spot. We used to have picnics in the garden, and he would fly me over it on his broom. It was back when we were allowed to be children. I held onto the letter I had received from Draco. He told me he wouldn't see me for awhile, but that we would be able to write to each other. It is hard going from being around him everyday to not seeing him. I was having trouble being alone in this manor. I wanted to see my friends so much. But, at last it won't be forever. In a few weeks was the Malfoy summer ball, that Narcissa hosts every year. I had a feeling our mothers will plan for me and Draco to be matching. As our parents always match for the Malfoy balls. This ball would be different, my papa had made me aware that I would be meeting some of his old friends, which meant I would be meeting Death Eaters. I was not prepared to be in the presence of them, but I had to prepare myself none the less.
"Eva, come to my study." I heard my father yell out as he passed by my room, gingerly I stood up my toes curling against the cold hardwood floor. I pulled out some fuzzy socks and slipped them on before heading towards my papa's study. One of my fears was that, I would lose sight of the kind soul my papa had been my whole life, that he would become cold and distant. He would stop showing affection. My papa was always my favorite person and my best friend. I never wanted to lose him. I knocked on his door as I heard him tell me to come in. I entered, it was dark and dreary inside. Everything was black, silver or green. I sat on the couch he had in front of his desk, and folded my hands in my lap, it was a way to be proper like I was taught growing up. His eyes looked up to meet mine. Our eyes were the same, brown, a honey like brown. I had three dots in my right eye. My mama always said it was because I looked at the sun so much as a little girl.
"Things are changing, I need not to remind you of that dear. You won't be able to see Draco, as much as you have in the past during holidays. I don't want you around the others staying there. He is more than welcome to come here dear. When the ball comes around, I expect you to be proper and on your best behavior. Do not embarrass me. Don't talk out of line, do not speak to any adult unless I am present. Am I clear Eva?" He asked me, I nodded feeling a tear roll down my eye.
"Stop being weak Eva, I thought I taught you better than that. We are Sinclairs, we do not cry." He spoke, his tone getting darker. I flinched at his tone, he had never used it before on me.
"Yes papa." I said, fidgeting with my hands.
"Father, when we are around other people it is father to you." He said, all I wanted to do was cry. I had never called him father before he was always papa to me, he knew that. That was my first word. I had put my arms up and screamed out papa before wailing when he didn't pick me up.
"You and Draco, will be matching at the ball. So when you have chosen your dress write him the color. There is to be no red dress for the ball. You are only allowed to chose a black, silver or green dress. I do not want to see you in a red dress. We do not come from Gryffindor, we come from Slytherin." He told, as I nodded my head dutifully.
"Now about the next school year. As you are aware there are changes happening. We suspect the ministry to step in and attempt to infiltrate Hogwarts as they refuse to accept that the dark lord is back. If and only if they do this, you are to play nice with the person from the ministry. You are not to be late to classes, disrespect your teachers, run off with Draco, or skip detentions. If you get a detention, I will be making an appearance and not for your teacher, for you. I will address the situation you received detention for and we will discuss proper punishment from there." He told me, I once again just nodded my head.
"W- When will I get to see Bella?" I asked after a silence.
"When you see her. That is the only answer I will give you. It is none of your business when she returns. You are still under sixteen." He told me, I slumped down in the couch after he told me that.
"Sit up child! We have not taught you to slouch." He snapped testily at me.
"Now leave and find a book in the library to read, it will help pass time." He said waving me off. I sighed and made my way out of his office. I didn't feel like going to the library, but I did need a new book. So, I walked down the stairs to the library. Everything we owned was grand. My papa never believed in the simple things. He wanted to have everything over the top, as it showed off our wealth. Upon entering the library, I saw that the ladder to reach the higher shelves was on the opposite side of where it was yesterday. I walked through the aisles running my fingers along the spines of the books. The smell of old books had always been a favorite smell of mine. After going up and down three aisles I finally came across an advanced potion making book. I slid it off the shelf and found a seat at one of the couches in front of the fireplace. Beginning to flip through the pages, it seemed to have been from a long time ago. The pages were yellow and some were missing the edges.
"That was your great grandfathers old potions book from when he attended Hogwarts." I heard the voice of my mama say, I could feel her sit down beside me.
"I know your father is being tough on you my darling girl, but you must know he only means the best for you." She tried telling me, but I knew this would eventually happen. I no longer had the kind papa I had growing up.
"I know mama, I just wish it was like old times." I said with a sigh, I continued flipping through pages of the book, coming across one that had writing on the page.
"That was his favorite potion, your grandfather would tell me stories of him making this one. He would say your great grandfather was always trying to find ways to improve it." She told me, a smile graced my lips.
"I miss grandfather." I told her looking up at her.
"He will visit soon, I promise. He has so many plans for you darling." She told me, I leaned my head onto her shoulder. She smelled of fresh lilacs as she always did.
"When will we go pick out dresses mama?" I asked her.
"In a week, we will head to the shops. What color are you thinking of getting?" She asked me, looking down at me.
"Black, I think I will stick to the theme and go with black." I told her.
"That's a great choice darling, you and Draco will look wonderful in black together." She told me. I just nodded my head and let the warmth from the fireplace warm me up. Although the weather was getting warmer my mama had always kept our manor cold and the fire going.

Always His (D.M.)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang