Chapter 7

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Ashlynn and Arthur decided that it would be best if they started to space out his visits. They would no longer meet every day, like they had been for the past month, and Ashlynn could relax, just as long as she practiced their song. She noticed that people had been pestering her significantly less since she stopped disappearing so often. Perhaps it had been a bit too suspicious. Laying off probably really was the best decision.

She had almost forgotten about the danger of keeping a human as a friend. Almost. She had been ranting freely to Hannah one particular off day when her mute friend stopped her. This didn't strike Ashlynn as particularly strange until Hannah started gesturing to the surface. She knew what she was getting at. She had been ranting freely to Hannah one particular off day when her mute friend stopped her. This didn't strike Ashlynn as particularly strange until Hannah started gesturing to the surface. She knew what she was getting at. Oh, how she dreaded this moment. How was she supposed to explain?

Ashlynn's face paled noticeably, and much to her displeasure, Hannah saw it. She saw her silent friend's face change from curiosity to concern in a matter of seconds. Was she really that worried about her? She began to rethink her viewpoint. Ashlynn knew that the older sirens would be all over her if she told them, but she had figured from the start that some of the younger people might be more understanding. If this was the case, then of course her best friend would cut her a bit more slack. Ashlynn decided she needed to give Hannah more credit. Taking a deep breath, she finally breathed word of her secret to the first siren, aside from herself.

"Alright, listen...I haven't told anyone because I figure this would get me in huge trouble, so if I tell you, you can't tell anyone, okay?" Ashlynn pleaded. She was putting all her trust into her friend. Hannah deserved to know where she had been going, at the very least.

And so Ashlynn began. She told her everything, from his appearance to how he helped her write a song for her birthday. There was a fluttery feeling in the pit of her stomach the whole way through. Sure, she trusted Hannah, but she still felt the awful nagging feeling in the far corner of her mind. It told her that the younger siren would surely rush off and tell the first elder she saw. It told her that this was it. Ashlynn knew better, Hannah wouldn't do something like that to her, but would she approve? She didn't know what she would do if this cost her their friendship. She had been friends with the mute for as long as she could remember.

By the time she was done, her hands were trembling. It wasn't very noticeable, but they were shaking ever so slightly. Aside from that, she felt relieved. Ashlynn had been keeping that quiet for months now. It could very well get her in trouble, but beneath the dread, she felt lighter. Hannah looked at her with an expression she wasn't sure how to read. The mute siren remained still for a moment or two, before smiling. Ashlynn almost reeled back in her confusion.

Another nod to the surface confused Ashlynn even further. She had been going, so what was Hannah getting at? Before she could open her mouth to question the mute, she saw that the other had already begun to ascend, looking down at her and becoming Ashlynn to follow.

"You..." Ashlynn paused. Had she been interpreting this the right way? "You want to go too?" She forced out. Hannah gave her a delighted trill and another wave of the arm. She wanted to go see Arthur with her. Ashlynn had figured that she would accept her little visits, but she had not once considered that Hannah would want to see for herself. She was surprised, sure, but pleasantly so.

"...Alright. Let's go." Ashlynn finally gives in. With a flick of her tail, she joins her friend on their way to the surface. There was no conversation as they went, besides the occasional word from the other sirens that they passed. Despite the silence, Ashlynn found herself comforted rather than unsettled. She had half expected Hannah to dash off so that she could turn her in. Hannah's enthusiasm was the best form of reassurance that she had received in such a long time. She noticed that Hannah's tail began to pump water more rapidly the closer they got to the surface. Clearly she was more excited than she was letting on. Just beneath the surface of the water, Hannah stopped. Ashlynn had to fight not to bump into her, she had stopped so suddenly. When she looked up to the mute to see the problem, she was met with the other looking down at her, expectantly.

Hannah nodded in the direction of the surface again. That time, Ashlynn understood. Arthur would freak out if it were another siren and not her. She nodded at her friend and proceeded to break through the surface of the water before her. It was only then that she realized that this trip may have been pointless. She and Arthur hadn't planned to meet up today, so how was he supposed to know to come here? Then she remembered that his college campus wasn't too far from the forest. He had told her that he stays outside in his free time to study. Perhaps if she sang he would hear her. And what better song to lure him with than the one that they wrote together?

She began to sing, her voice spilling out effortlessly. Not a single word that she sang was stumbled upon. Despite having just finished writing it, she knew the song by heart. It was so very special to her. By the time her voice came to a stop, she saw Arthur leaning on one of the trees. When had he showed up?

"Did ya need somethin'?" he asked with a little smirk on his face. She chuckled, relieved that her plan had worked.

"I have something I need to show you. But don't freak out, okay?" she pleaded. If he were to scream or leave she didn't know what she would do. When she saw the college student nod, she dipped back under the water to beckon her friend above the surface. The smaller siren peeked her head above the water, and as soon as she was in sight Arthur's eyes widened. He didn't scream, but the shock was evident on his features.

"You aren't in trouble, are you? Who is this?" he began to ramble worriedly. Ashlynn began to laugh, albeit quietly as to not grab the attention of the other sirens beneath them. The sound of her laughter immediately distracted Arthur from his ramblings. It was almost a melodic type of sound, entrancing him almost like her singing had before.

"Relax, Arthur, she's not going to get us in trouble. This is my best friend, Hannah. We've been at each other's sides since we were kids." She explained. Arthur took a deep breath, looking over to Hannah. The younger siren approached the edge of the water to get closer to him.

"H-h-hi!" Arthur stuttered out nervously. "I'm Arthur, a-and I'm a human..." he tried introducing himself. Hannah smiled and waved, but as nice as it was, Arthur got a bit worried at her lack of verbal response. Ashlynn was confused for a moment. She was trying to be nice, why was he so shaken up about it? It occurred to her that humans were probably less accustomed to mutes than the sirens were. After all, the human population was much bigger than that of her people.

"Right! Right, sorry, Hannah is mute. She can't use her voice. Our mutes make tongue clicks and such when we sing, and mostly use their hands to communicate. I probably should have told you about that before bringing her up." She explained. Arthur let out a sigh of relief. He told her that he thought her silence meant that she didn't approve of him. Ashlynn chuckled at that.

From there, Ashlynn helped the two get to know each other. Arthur gradually got more comfortable and became less jumpy as time went on. He even began to tell Hannah about the human world, as well, much to the mute's excitement.

Ashlynn was pleased with the fact that they got along so well. The fact that there was another siren that accepted Arthur gave her hope. Hope that maybe the other sirens could get used to humans as well. She smiled at the thought. She would get there soon, but jumping into it wasn't the best idea.

"Baby steps, Ashlynn," she told herself. "Baby steps."

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