Chapter 10

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Ashlynn couldn't have been more relieved that Arthur hadn't left the pond yet. When she asked him what he was still doing there, he simply responded that the silence helped him study. She thanked the heavens for his dedication to biology. Arthur picked up on the weight of the situation rather quickly. After all, the excitement was written all over the faces of the two sirens.

"What's the occasion? You two haven't been gone too long. It's not often I get two visits in one day," he chuckled. Ashlynn smiled at the sound. If all went well, she would get to hear his warm laughter a lot more often. She could barely believe that the opportunity was so close.

"I have something to ask you. You've told me a lot about your life on the surface. I'm sure there's a lot to love there. However, your excitement when you found out about our species was unlike any I had ever seen before. You always listen so closely when I talk about life down here. I would be lying if I said I haven't grown attached to you after what we've been through, after you helped me like you did," she didn't really know how to lead up to the question, but Arthur seemed to be soaking up every word. All of his attention was on her, so she continued.

"What I came to ask you, It's really important to me. Hannah's pretty excited too. So... Would you like to join us? Do you want to become a siren and live with us, with me?" she stared down at the shoes of the sandy blonde. It was a big thing to do, to ask someone to leave the life they've known to be with you. If she was honest, it sounded a bit selfish, but she really cared about Arthur, and if she was reading him the right way, she believed that he would be happy when it came to straying from the norm.

His silence served to make her nervous. Hannah could tell, so she rested a small hand on her shoulder for reassurance. Ashlynn saw Arthur shift on his feet, making small shuffling sounds. Was he really considering it?

"...Yes," he finally spit out. "Yes, of course! After helping you, seeing you, earning your trust, I would leave the humans in a heartbeat. You mean a lot to me too, Ashlynn." There was a massive grin plastered across his face. The eyes of both sirens lit up, and Ashlynn brought her eyes back up to meet his. There was an endearing twinkle among the amber hue.

Much like before, Arthur pulled her upper half into a hug, getting himself wet once again. He couldn't care less. He was about to live a life with a not-so-mythical creature that had reeled him in like no other. He wouldn't have it any other way. The two lovers looked over at Hannah after hearing a rapid succession of clicks and splashes, to see her fist pumping excitedly. The other two chuckled at her in response. Suddenly, a third head popped out of the water.

"Am I interrupting something?" called the voice of the elder woman. It was Elenore.

"Not at all! He agreed, we can go forward with it!" Ashlynn exclaimed, but then stopped in her tracks. "How exactly are we going to do this again?"

The charming elder woman lifted her hand from the water. In her palm was a handful of a concoction consisting of different types of leaves and...some other things that she wasn't going to question. There would be no use, there was no telling what this woman had come up with after her many years of putting it together.

"This will transform our friend here," she said, looking up to Arthur. He waved hesitantly. It couldn't have been all too comforting, having just agreed to change species, and immediately after having to meet a siren he hasn't seen before. He ultimately decided to trust her.

"You will have to be under the water before you consume it, I'm afraid." She gave him a solemn look in return. That meant that the other sirens would likely see him. Ashlynn grimaced.

"I am going to trust you, Ashlynn, to talk to the others as the transformation takes place. You witnessed the support from your peers on your 18th birthday. If you talk it through with them, perhaps we could get them to understand." Elenore explained. As nervous as that made Ashlynn feel, she nodded. She looked back up at Arthur, still holding his hands. The look she gave him provided reassurance. Arthur nodded, he was ready.

All three of the sirens moved out of the way, making room in the middle of the pond. The next moment, the water splashed around him as Arthur dived in. The three sirens followed quickly after, so as not to waste any time. Humans couldn't last too long underwater. Arthur looked over at Elenore, holding his palm out for the concoction. The elder didn't hesitate, handing it over quickly. As fast as the man received it, it was in his mouth.

Just as expected, the other sirens in the pond had come out to see the commotion, and sharp gasps rang out through the pond. Ashlynn jumped into action before anyone could say a word. She swam out in front of Arthur, holding her arms out as if she were trying to keep the other sirens from getting to the man.    "Don't freak out!" she spat out. "I know this is strange, but please bear with me. He is a human, yes, but he is the best human I have ever met. I never erased his memory. I understand how much of a risk that is, but in all honesty, I trust him. You all should too, he is such a great person. He has agreed to become a siren and live with us! That's why he is here. I know this is scary, but he has proved to me that there shouldn't be anything to be afraid of when it comes to humans. I told him about us, and not once has he ever said anything to hurt me. We can trust him! We don't have to be scared of the humans!"

There was silence for moments after. Ashlynn scanned the crowd that had gathered around them. Some looked confused, others looked deep in thought. None of them dared to move closer. Behind her, Arthur's body had begun to change. There was a safo glow emanating from him. Gills had formed on the sides of his neck rather quickly, so there was no danger of him drowning before the process was complete. His legs had joined together, fins sprouting from where his feet used to be. Next came the scales. They had such a brilliant orange color. No one had seen anything like it before.

Ashlynn felt a hand on her shoulder. Arthur had opened his eyes, he was one of them now. She turned to look at him, a look of awe rooting itself on her face. It didn't take too long before the two were reminded of the presence of the other sirens. However, it wasn't a fearful reminder. Cheers began to ring out, much like the day of Ashlynn's ceremony. The rest of the sirens were happy for them. Ashlynn was filled with the same pride that she had felt on that day, and she was sure that she could say the same for Arthur.

He grinned back at her, and it wasn't long at all before he pulled her into a kiss, embracing her tightly. In the background they could hear clicks and trills among the cheers. As they pulled back from each other, they looked back at the crowd. They had done it. They had torn down the walls between sirens and humans. As strange as it felt, the support from her people made it easier than they had expected. For that, they were extremely thankful. Their people were great people.

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