Journey To The Centre Of My Earth - part 1

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To all those who wanted Raavi 1.0 back, stick around till the end of this.... He he 

Disclaimer: Not much, really.... A bit of angst perhaps? On the Disha track pre Ramleela. Not very kind to Suman. The quotes before each diary entry belong to Jules Verne, specifically from his book, Journey To The Centre Of The Earth. 


Why do you walk away from me? He wondered... 

Why do you walk towards me? She asked him... 

Have you heard of binary stars? He asked her back. 

What do stars have to do with...? 

Just tell me! 

They stopped, both frozen in tandem. Yes. Yes, I know about them. Binary stars are two stars made such that they orbit a common point, giving and taking mass simply to balance each other out, to stay with each other. And when that doesn't work out, they either become lost or they go out in a nova. A bright and beautiful death, she said. 

Well, then perhaps I was wrong. Perhaps I'm a moon and you're my Earth. And I'll gladly live my life orbiting you over and over. And I'll either die because I'm too far from you and lost, or because I got too close and we finally collide. At least that way I'll find my way to you, to the centre of my Earth. 

-Me, Myself, And more of Me... 


″... I no longer had any feeling other than the dark terror of the condemned tied to the mouth of a cannon, at the moment when the shot is fired and scatters their limbs into the air.”

6th of October, 2021

Dear diary, 

I had only wanted to put away the clothes, really. Maybe, that's why I'm still so shocked over it? Because I wasn't expecting it? Life makes us see the same old things in a new light every other day, doesn't it?

I'm getting off point, though. The point is, I had wanted to put the washed clothes away and had opened our almari. Technically his. And his clothes, mess that they always were, had tumbled out. At first, I figured Rishita had bungled up the last time she'd done the chores. But then I'd seen the tags on the clothes. Formal shirts, polos, slacks, even two blazers. All brand new, still with the tags on, and stuffed haphazardly behind the rest of his clothes. 

As if he hadn't wanted me to know. Hadn't wanted anyone to know. Rishita had claimed he was going to look dapper, hadn't she? He had come out in his usual clothes though, and she had looked confused. Why would Rishita know though? Because Rishita really had no reason to look confused if she hadn't known about these clothes. 

But I found one thing more disturbing than the presence of new clothes that Shiva had gotten for himself in the almari, and that was the kinds of clothes they were. He'd looked so good that day in the family haveli that I had decided it was his style. Black shirt, comfy blue jeans. Effortless. Not too different from the way he dressed normally, yet still, what was the word Rishita had used? Dapper. But these clothes weren't Shiva, not at all. 

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