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-TW detailed boy x boy (yaoi)-

John lay beneath you.
Now's your chance.
You swiftly lean down and brush your lips against John's before he could makeup his mind. After a few moments of staring into each others eyes, John spoke. "H- How far are we taking this?" His voice was shaky, but determined for an answer. You bit your lip, wondering the same question. "As far as you want." You say, finishing it off with a cunning smirk. "If that's the case..." His voice slowly trailed off.
"Then, what?" You replied, straddling the boys hips. He turned his head to you, blushing a deep red and sat upward, his eyes now locked with yours. "Then this." He whispers as he grabs your collar roughly, pulling you in for a kiss. Your hot breaths mixed together, making a tornado of love fill the room. John, trying to be dominant, bit your bottom lip. You yelped a little, then tried to hide it with a grunt, trying to regain you masculinity. He poked your side, making you twitch and fall over. He knows your weakness! You were now on bottom. He tried to slide his tongue into your mouth, but you teased him and kept your lips sealed. You opened your eyes a sliver, just in time for John to grope you ass. This caused you to peep, opening your mouth for John. You liked this side of John, but when in the sheets, you weren't going to be fond of it. When he wasn't looking, you slowly inched your fingers down towards his belt. You unfastened, ripped off, and threw that leather belt. John, still seemingly unaware of his lack of a belt, was still fighting for dominance. You slowly reached under, and unbuttoned his navy blue jeans. You slid them about half way down his thigh when he realised the commotion. Wow, was he at it.
The one way to win back your dominance was clear. You deftly pushed away from the upcoming kiss and grabbed the growing tent in John's pants. He moaned into what now was a kiss, allowing you to get him back on the bottom, where he belongs.
You straddled his hips yet again, now 'accidentally' grinding on John as you leaned down to kiss him. Your lips massaged together as his eyes began to widen. You both broke the kiss for air, you releasing the clenched wad of sheet from you hand. "What's wrong babe?" You ask. "Oh, n-nothing it's just that I..." A half smile made its way onto your lips as you knew what was next. "Oh, you want the striDer?" You high five yourself in your mind for that one. He didn't say a word, only nod. "Okay babe, brace for impact." you warn, slipping your shirt off. He eyed your body, and you eyed his. The pile of clothes on the floor grew larger by the second. You even managed to throw his shirt at the light switch, swiftly turing it off.
Authors note: okay, I've never written yaoi this hardcore before. Plus, some of my friends are reading this (Hi Devon) and I'm not sure how they'll look at me after this xD. Okay... ummm... here we go? (P.s, I switch PoV with chapters and occasionally the lines)

Your back hurts... A lot.

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