Story time!

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"YOU WHAT?" Dave yelled putting his hand on his head, ruffling his hair.
"Dave I-"

~Flash back~

"Dad, can I tell you something?" Regret flooded your mind.
"Yes son?" Your dad questioned, placing his news paper down.
"I'm..." Your stomach was in knots, the temperature felt as though it was rising as you spoke. Your ears were ringing and you felt dizzy; the world was spinning, leaving your brain boggled.
"Dad I'm, I'm, I am," You spoke softly and nervously pulled at the collar of your shirt to let some air in.

"You're John, you're 16, you're 5'5", you have glasses, you're gay, you have a slight overbite-"

"Wait what?"

"You have a slight overbite?" He stated.

"No no, before that." You used hand gestures as if you were rewinding his speech.

"Oh, you're gay. I've always known."

You're at a loss of words.


"Me and Mr. Strider have bet on it since dave moved here. It's kind of official."

He turned around and grabbed a pastry from the oven; Moving his hands in your general direction he grabbed you by your shirt and drug you towards him.


"Then what happened?"
Dave asked at the edge of his bed.
"A cake. He made a cake. This isn't just any cake. He made a coming out cake."
You reply shortly before seeing dave slip off his bed falling flat on his butt. "You're a goof."

"Hey hey hey! Bro! Yo dufus! Okay, do I have a coming out story for you!" Dave shouted as he stood up.

"Okay here we go. So I was like, 13 and bro introduced me to Jake. At first I was all confused and non oriental and all that biz so I didn't no one single puppet fuck about this whole gay thing. He said "this is ma boyfrand" I was like "but bro chu are a dude so chu liek grills!" And he looked at me like a dingus and said, "no dav. Boys liek boys" I was so confused. "Okay well I met this boy whose hot and stuff and so I think I'm gonna go for it kay" I said and he was like. "okay you go" then Jake said "what just happened?" And that's the story of how I- HEY ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?"
You jolted upward to see your head was in Dave's lap and you had fallen asleep. "Oops."

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