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writers note; dedicated to my fan, I forgot about this fic and your comments made me want to continue <3 thanks!


It didn't take long for the duo to find Romeo. Coincidentally, they found him just as it was announced to him that the beauty he just kissed is the Capulet's daughter.

So long, Rosalie!

With a bewildered look, Benvolio took Romeo by the arm and turned towards the gates. "I believe it is out time to bid adieu,"

Doing so smoothly, although, proved to be a challenge. The swaying and stumbling the sweet wine had caused was not helpful when trying to lead your friend out the doors of an enemies residence. In fact, it was the opposite.

Mercutio pushed past the two and made way for them to pass through the crowd. He turned and exclaimed, "What a wonderful night you have hosted here! I pray to come again. It is most welcome I leave with gratitude and a farewell,"

Mercutio then grabbed hold of Benvolio's sleeve and stormed away. His grip stripped Benvolio of his already scarce balance and led him into the streets of beloved Verona.

Romeo, head still swimming, kept his silence. A toothy grin rest on his face, faltering only when his eyes met those of his friends.

"A Capulet,"

"Only daughter too, your catch is big my friend,"

"Juliet is her name," Romeo picked a blooming flower from a nearby rose bush. He held it tenderly to his face, inhaling, "In her eyes I drown, just as in this blushing scent. To pray at the altar of her lips is a man's greatest dream,"

"To enter the sacristy beyond them too, I'm sure," Mercutio jabs an elbow into Ben's side. They both laugh and exchange knowing looks as Romeo puffs his chest out in flustered protest.

"Such vulgarities should not be uttered of a girl so fair,"

Benvolio, though, thought not of his friends embarrassment but focused only on the man at his side.

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