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Dear Romeo seemed apprehensive. "I'm only here to look upon the face of my beloved and prove to you that there is no fairer lady."

"Whatever you say, Romeo."

"Shall we walk in without a word? I feel like that would be rude..."

Benvolio sighed and laughed. "As long as you won't scream out that we're Montagues, we're welcome."

Romeo drew patterns on the ground with his foot and for a moment everybody kept quiet. He stood tall and held his head high. "Pass me the torch, we better move if we want to have any fun in there!"

"No, Romeo, you must dance! We'll take the torch, isn't that right, Benny?" Mercutio laughed that stupid, damned, cute laugh of his. The one that made Benvolio smile until his cheeks hurt.

Romeo spoke again. "But you're the one who should be dancing. My shoes might as well be made out of lead that keep my feet still on the ground, I can't possibly ask Rosalie to dance. But you go have fun, find some fair maidens and drink wine 'til the nights end!"

What if I don't want a fair maiden?

"You are a lover, borrow Cupid's wings." Mercutio started to push the doors open. "And if love be rough with you, be rough with love back."

But what if Mercutio does find a wife worthy of him...?

"Don't be saddened if nobody will take notice of your poor excuse for dancing, Merc. I'm sure Benvolio here will be a fine gentleman and accompany you, despite your embarrassing company and the wine that goes with it." Romeo winked at the two of them but in all honesty, Benvolio was happy that he'd get some time alone with Mercutio.

His plan was to get both of them to drink as much as possible, then hopefully tell him about the feelings that he's been hiding from him for so long, kiss passionately and then finally live together forevermore.

Or fail miserably trying.

Dammit, I need those wings.

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