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"Marriage?" I questioned vehemently. I wasn't sure who had brought up this proposal, but if that person came within my reach, I was certain they wouldn't see daylight again.

"I've given you all the freedom you desired, but please, just this once. Your mother is unwell, and all she desires is to witness your happiness through marriage," my father implored, tears brimming in his eyes.

"Dad, I'm content with both of you by my side. I don't seek anyone in my life, and even if I found someone who genuinely cares for me, I'd seek your blessings before marrying him," I glanced at my mother, who had been paralyzed for two years following a car accident. She used to revel in racing cars until that fateful day when she was hit by another car. The accident took the life of the other driver instantly, leaving my mother in critical condition for months. While we thought we'd lose her, she miraculously survived. Since then, I've been terrified of driving. Do you know what I detest the most? I hate driving—

"Did you hear what she said?" My thoughts were interrupted by my father, who spoke a bit louder to grab my attention.

"What?" I asked, looking perplexed.

"She said if you don't want to marry, it's alright. She won't press you. She's right. We're getting old, and it's our fault we never sought your opinion. Tomorrow, I'll cancel the proposal. Don't worry. Ultimately, it's your choice whom you wish to marry," he wheeled my mother away towards their room.

"Dad," I halted them.

"What?" he inquired.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. I didn't want to marry a stranger; I wanted to relish life. Even if they were my parents, I couldn't fulfill their desires. I desired to marry someone I genuinely loved.

"I don't want to hear your apologies," and with that, they entered their room.

I checked my WhatsApp for messages from my friends but found none. Perhaps they were job-hunting; it had been a week since graduation. Yet here I was, being coerced into marrying a stranger. I'm a fashion designer; my dream is to become a renowned one and establish my own company, akin to Luna's Wedding Planner Organization. I'm aware this dream might seem naive, but I am determined to achieve it. There's a quote that says, "Dream big, work hard, and never give up."

I'll toil hard to achieve my dream, but first, I need to take a small step. Little by little, one will travel far. Thus, I plan to work at Luna's Wedding Planner as an employee—an illustrious company nationwide. I pursued a fashion design course with the dream of someday establishing a company similar to Luna's.

Suddenly, my cell phone beeped. I checked the message.

Amelia: Come outside.

Peeking out from the balcony, I spotted her waiting in the parking lot. I swiftly grabbed my blazer, slipped on my shoes, and joined her.

"What's up?" I inquired.

Amelia is my best friend and partner in crime. She's 23, a year older than me, tall at 5.8 feet, with thick, naturally curly dark brown hair, a few caramel highlights, captivating honey-colored eyes, and fair skin. She's a delightful person, one you can't take your eyes off. She aspires to become a famous actress.

She flashed a wide grin and said, "We're going to celebrate. Get in the car."

"We're celebrating! But why?" I asked, puzzled.

"Because I heard someone is going to get married," she whispered, twirling her hair, a habit of hers.

"What? Are you kidding me? I rejected the proposal," and I winked at her.

"What the hell are you talking about? Are you out of your mind?" she exclaimed as if I had committed a grave mistake.

"You can't decline the proposal, okay? Yesterday, your mom called me, ecstatic and eager to see you married," she stated, her eyes locked on mine, wanting to say more but unable to express it.

However, I yearned to know what they were concealing from me.

"So what are you saying? Are you telling me that my fate is predetermined by you guys or is there something else you're hiding?" I queried.

"I...I..." she stammered.

"Never mind, anyway. You know I mentioned earlier that I participated in the selection of an actress for the movie 'Fate and Faith,'" she diverted the conversation, sensing I didn't want to discuss it further.

"Of course, I know. Don't tell me you got rejected due to your terrible acting skills," I teased.

"Who said I'm terrible at acting? Just so you know, I got accepted as the second lead actress!" She leaped up, embracing me tightly.

"So that's why you wanted to treat me, right?" I asked.

"Of course! Come on, let's go and celebrate," and she opened the car door.

I hopped in and settled into the passenger's seat.

We headed to a restaurant for lunch, then to the shopping mall to buy dresses, eventually forgetting about the day's earlier episode by relishing her humorous antics.

When I returned home that night,

"I'm back," I announced, removing my shoes and placing them on the rack. My gaze shifted to the living room. A middle-aged man sat on the couch conversing with my dad. My dad looked at me and exchanged a few words with the man. He turned his face. He's old, yet his face still possesses a certain charm. If he had a son, he'd undoubtedly be as handsome as him. Oh God, what am I thinking? I'm truly losing it.

He smiled at me, and I reciprocated.

"Dad, I'm heading to my room," I said.

He nodded, and I made my way upstairs. I lay down on my comfortable bed, my thoughts lingering on the handsome older man who smiled at me.

It was the first time I'd witnessed my father meeting a friend at our house. It's not that my father doesn't have friends. But he typically arranges gatherings, parties, and meetings elsewhere.

I think something is on his mind. Is he discussing...

No, it couldn't be. I explicitly explained to him my refusal to marry, and he promised not to pressure me into it.

"Margaret," my dad called.

Oh God, please show some mercy.

And I went to unlock my door.

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