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Sunsets are truly attractive, romantic, and inspiring. Some take the time to enjoy the calming and life-changing feeling sunsets offer, but most people do it during vacations at exotic hotels, beaches, or parks.

The truth is, the sun rises and sets every single day, and there are no rules stating that one must go on vacation to enjoy sunsets. However, I do like to see both the sunrise and sunset.

The sky was red and yellow on the west side as the sun set slowly, and the clouds began to disappear. The half-moon became visible, and birds flew in a row, perhaps heading to their homes.

I've always wanted to be like birds; they fly in flocks from one place to another in search of food, and they store food in their esophaguses to feed their young. After their young ones start to fly, they leave them to live their own lives. But human beings are unlike them. We desire money, love, and family, and we also experience emotions like jealousy, curiosity, happiness, sadness, excitement, joy, hatred, and fear – including myself. I just hate driving.

I want someone to love me for the rest of my life. I want a family with my loved ones, but here I am, forced into marriage.

I'm not blaming my dad; I know he loves me and cares a lot about me. My mother was always supportive. If I didn't want to do something, she would say I didn't have to if I didn't like it. But deep down, she always wanted to do something nice that didn't harm me.

This is the first time my mom and dad have asked me to do something I don't like, but I'm sure it's for my own good. I don't want to upset my parents. I love them, and I'm willing to do anything for them, even if it means marrying someone like Damien Cruz, whom I'm not sure I can love or who will love me.

We avoided each other for an hour on the rooftop, neither he nor I chatted. He was busy with phone calls from his patients, and I was gazing at the sky.

"Can we go down?" I asked, taking a deep breath and rubbing my hands together. The chilly wind was blowing on the roof. The reddish sky had now turned fully dark, with stars filling the sky, and Earth's only permanent natural satellite, the moon, shining brightly.

"No," he mumbled, not paying attention. How many more hours am I going to be stuck here, witnessing nature? If I stay silent, he'll leave me up here until the next morning, and I can't hold my breath for that long. I should speak up.

"What's your problem? I've been here for the past three hours, and you've been taking calls from your patients, telling me not to go. Am I invisible here, or do you want me to hear your patients' private talks? I'm bored to death, and I didn't even bring my phone. You know how it feels to be ignored. As a girl, I am expected to take initiative. Do you think you're the only one who is forced into this? I came here because my father wanted me to have a chat with you, to get to know each other. And you think I wanted to?" I said all in one breath. He stared at me for a while and then kept his phone in his pocket.

"Are you done?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

I nodded. "Do you feel better now?" he asked, his voice calm. What's his problem? He's acting like a psychiatrist, but I heard my dad saying he's a surgeon.

"Ms. Henderson, first of all, it's during my working hours. Secondly, I can tell that you're also forced into this proposal; I never said you weren't," he paused, as if he had said too much.

"And lastly, I'm not going to marry you. You can tell my father if you don't like me, and don't worry, I'm sure he will approve if it's you," and he started to walk away. I stood there like a statue, watching him go down. Suddenly, he stopped and turned to me.

"Aren't you coming down?" he asked, waiting for my response.

"Yes, I will," I said, walking down as fast as I could, with him following me. When we reached the 6th floor, our fathers were sitting on a bench outside the gross area, just as they were when we went upstairs. What curious individuals they are. When Dr. Elrod saw us, he slightly slapped my dad's head and looked at us.

"Father, what are you doing here?" Damien asked Dr. Elord, and I wanted to ask the same to my dad.

"I... I was chatting with Martin. How come you two came down so early? You didn't talk?" he inquired, curious about Damien's silence. Damien remained quiet, looking at me, probably expecting me to answer.

"And lastly, I'm not going to marry you. You can tell my father if you don't like me, and don't worry, I'm sure he will approve if it's you," I recalled his words. You think I'm going to reject you by saying that I don't like you? Sorry, but you're very, very wrong about that. What a pity you can't escape from this, Dr. Damien Cruz.

"We did, uncle, and I think he's nice," I said, giving a small smile. I could feel the fire burning in Damien's eyes.

"So, you've decided to be my daughter-in-law, am I right? Don't be afraid; you can tell me if it's a yes or no. If you don't want to marry him, I won't bother you, my child. I know how it feels to marry someone you don't like. Don't worry about your father; I will convince him. He loves you, and he won't be mad at you. Feel free to say yes or no," I looked at Damien; his face showed no emotions.

"Uncle, I'm honored to become your daughter-in-law, and I don't want to miss this chance with such an incredible father and his outstanding, handsome, and gifted son."

"Martin, didn't I say that your daughter is smart?" Uncle remarked, facing my dad.

"You did," my dad replied, giving him a huge smile.

"Dad, uncle, I think I should leave now. Otherwise, I'll miss my last bus," I said.

"Damien will drop you; he's done with work now," Uncle said.

"I'll take the bus," I insisted firmly.

"Then I'll walk you out," Damien said, opening his mouth for the first time. "Let's go."

As we reached outside, he came forward towards me. He's going to ask me to think again or to cancel the proposal, but I won't change my mind.

"You want to play, right? Don't worry; I'll play along in this game. You're going to regret it, and soon you'll call off this proposal. Then it will be my turn to play the game," he said, taking off his apron, holding it in his other hand, and walking away.

"Margaret," I heard a deep, familiar voice on the other side. I turned to see the person.

Oh, my Goddess... I wiped my eyes. Am I dreaming? It's him, my long-time crush...

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