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Hellooooo Dreamers! Welcome to the Creative Dreams Writing Club, in both English and Dutch, hosted by the TeamofDreams.

The team was sitting around one day on the fluffy white Cloud 9, because that's what we do, and we said to ourselves, "Team! We need a writing club! Something fun, but different from a book club."

All of us nodded and agreed. And, then the conversation died into thoughtful silence.

As the sun set and the stars emerged in the growing velvet of the night, we began to ask questions.

"How will we do this?"

"What's the goal?"

"What the heck is the difference between a writing club and a book club anyway?"

"What do we write?"

There was gnashing of teeth! There was a rending of cloth! We agonized over the club until things began to take shape...

Creative Dreams Writing Club - Team of Dreams - 2023 - On HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now