Tell Me More

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"A writing club is for those who are actively writing, not just reading," YvonneKindle explained, gesturing with her hands to accent her words. "We'll challenge them!"

Loutka was somewhat confused. "What do you mean?"

Sky_is_limit explained. "We will give them a writing challenge every two weeks. Something more complex and interesting than just a writing prompt."

NDeMeer was thoughtful. "Hmm. Yes. Maybe something like... rewrite the opening of a fairytale from a different perspective."

Yvonne smiled. "Oh, that's really good! I might steal that idea!" She thought some more. "Let's give them a week to do the challenge."

chaotic_naturx nodded their head. "After that, we'll have them swap with their partner and give them a week to give feedback."

"Then, they can rewrite and move on to the next challenge," Sky_is_limit said. "This is a good plan, I think."

"Everyone can create a book on their profile to share their challenges!" chaotic_naturx pondered.

"Great idea!" the others agreed.

NDeMeer held up a finger. "Another idea. Let's open it up to Dutch speakers in addition to English. I speak Dutch, after all."

We all thought this was an excellent idea. 

And so, the club began.

Creative Dreams Writing Club - Team of Dreams - 2023 - On HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now