Vol.13 Ch.8: The Obedient Minions

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With the meeting over, the two brothers jumped on their feet.

"Alrighty!" Ronald pumped a fist. "Time to go get some games in!"

"Yeah, it'll be a good breather," William agreed.

"My, are you sure it's alright?" Cato asked. "I believe you should first take some time to reflect on what you learned in the meeting, or else you might forget everything."

"Nah, don't worry!" Ronald gave a thumbs up. "My memory is perfect! I gonna remember everything!"

"Maybe everything about Gunz, at best."

"That's the most important part anyway."

"Is that so." Cato made a face.

"Don't worry," William reassured. "I'll make sure we review the meeting later tonight."

"I'll hold you on that."

On that note, the brothers bid farewell and left to play in Ranked.

"Hah." Sonya stretched her arms. "It's finally over." She rotated her shoulders, producing creaking sounds. They sounded as stiff as the shoulders of a statue that just came to life.

"You okay?" Cato gently placed his hands on her shoulders and applied pressure.

"A-Ah!" Sonya jumped.

What a cute sound~

"You can't just place your hands on a girl like that." Sonya shot him a look. "I can report you for it."

"I see. Then, I better stop."

"N-No, do go on..." Sonya's words contradicted themselves. Her brain said one thing but her body responded in the opposite manner. She wasn't a fan of how casually Cato crept up to her, but she had to admit he was a pro at the job.

"Aah~" Sonya produced the sound against her will. Massages were such an illogical experience. They hurt, yet they felt so good.

One moment, she felt like pulling away from the pain. Yet, the next moment, she found herself yearning for that pressure. "Aaaaah~"

Nice sounds~ Cato smiled impishly behind the girl's back. There was something so satisfying about the process, he didn't even fully understand it himself.

He was definitely inflicting pain on Sonya's shoulders, no question about that. Yet, it was seemingly a harmless pain. In fact, it even helped to relax her muscles.

Nonetheless, the girl produced these sweet moans in the process. It meant she felt the pain to some degree, yet she embraced it instead of running away. It was truly wondrous.

It's like I'm free to apply as much pain as I want without being judged for it. The epitome of a good time~

And so, he rubbed the girl's stiff shoulders some more.


Her soft moans were like a sweet melody.

Even I think I'm a little strange for enjoying this. Cato thought. But, I just can't stop. This is genuinely fun. Moan some more for me, my dear~

But, all good things had to come to an end. Eventually, Sonya stopped responding as pleasantly because her muscles reached relaxation. And, Cato also grew a little tired of the process.

"Thank you," Sonya said.

"Always my pleasure." Cato bowed like a gentleman, taking off a nonexistent hat.

"Heh." Sonya smiled softly. "The massage was nice too, but I meant to thank you for handling the topic of William's rank on my list."

"Oh, that thing." Cato shrugged. "No big deal. With how proud he was of his No. 2 spot, I can understand why you didn't feel comfortable telling him what you really think. Nobody wants to be hated by their crush."

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