0.8 | I Love You

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Brews Ailousos description: chocolate brown fur, with a darker brown tail, forearms, back legs, and ears. With Snow White neck fluffy and a rhombus shape in the center of her chest that was the same dark brown as her tail, and 2 stripes that went down her check from her eyes to her jaw on both sides of her face, with chocolate cream eyes

Crimsons Ailousos description: crimson colored fur with reddish cream eyes, and deeper shades of red going down her forearms, legs, and tail with 2 deeper patches around both her eyes and ears as well as on her lip

Time line: 11th grade
Crimson POV

I snuggled closer to brew neck, me and brew were cuddling on the couch at my house my face was buried into her chest while her head was on top of mine watching TV

Alex was sat at the other end of the couch smirking at us and maple was sleeping with her head in Alex's lap, we were watching Harry Potter i had watched all the movies probably thousands of time, but when brew said she never watched any of the movies i knew we had to watch them all in one go. So here we are

I was watching too at first but i got bored and pretty much pushed brew down and snuggled into her chest, no shame you know why because she's my girlfriend

I'm certain i will never get used to saying that, still shocks me that i have much a amazing girlfriend or that we got together in the first place. All in all I'm happy

Shes amazing and i could never ask for anything more, my favorite part of our 9th grade year was when we got together and when we told Alex. It was like she knew but was still shocked and excited for us
Flash back

Me and brew had decided to tell Alex that were together a month after we got together, we decided to spring it onto her randomly

"Hey Alex!" I called to her from my room, i heard her huff before coming to my room

"What crim?" She asked she looked annoyed, Brew had just left and we decided that i would drop it on her randomly

I got up from my bed and started heading for the bathroom, Alex was behind me looking confused now "what did you want?!" She asked

"Oh i wanted to tell you me and brew and dating!" I told her looking at her shocked face


"Oh, ha, we have been dating for a month" i said in a monotone voice and started walking to the kitchen to get a drink

"WAIT, CRIMSON I HAVE SO MANY QUESTION?!?!" Alex called after her and started running to get me

I started laughing at her confusion, while she yelled questions at me

'This will be a good story for brew to hear' i thought

Flash back over

also a time skip to the next day

The door flung open and me and brew shot out running down the road in our Ailousos forms

We had made a bet on a race from my front door to the tree line on the other side of the field, whoever wins gets something from the other person. If i won i wanted Brews phone as i could get her parents number and curse them the fuck out, while if Brew won she wanted 50% of my wardrobe

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