~Curiosity Killed The Cat~

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I quietly opened the door and left. I was staring at the floor with my hands in my pockets. Had my addiction really gotten that bad? I have to sneak out at night to smoke. I sigh and fidgeted with the lighter in my pocket.

I went in the elevator and pressed the first floor button, tapping my foot on the ground. Just quick in and out, don't get distracted. The elevator stopped and I ran out, pushing through the lobby and finally feeling the fresh breeze on my face. I began heading to the back of the building like I did last time. Just in case if my mom comes out, she won't see me.

I light my cigarette and look around, I'm paranoid and frantic. My mom will be furious if she finds out I'm doing this. I stare out at the forest and see something with lights in the distance. The fuck? The light looked to be high up. It may be a light post. But why in the middle of the forest?

I'm gonna investigate it.

Everything else was pushed to the back of my brain. The alarm that danger was ahead was silenced. Maybe I would be murdered by some strange people in the woods. Honestly it wouldn't matter that much to me if that did happen.

I took a long puff of my cigarette and began walking towards the ominous light. What could truly be up ahead? My heart was now pounding against my chest. This was definitely a stupid idea.

It felt as if I was walking in slow motion. With what felt like hours I was standing a foot away from the tree. I could smell something definitely strong. It was hard to describe, kind of earthy? I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes.

The wind was flowing through my hair and grazing against my fingers. The air was crisp and perfect. It smelt like rain in the best way. I hope it rains, that would be the perfect weat- My thoughts were cut off by two muffled voices coming from up above.

Shit! The whole reason I'm here! I quickly opened my eyes and darted them up. I saw a chipped and rotting away ladder leading up to a treehouse. The treehouse looked decent. The wood didn't have huge gaps in it and didn't look horribly old. There were blankets covering the windows. They didn't hold in light too well though.

I gulped and decided to take the risk. I put my foot on the bottom step and grabbed at one I could reach. I began climbing slowly and quietly. I could have asked or said something before climbing up here. But what if they murdered me? It's too late now. I was two steps away from being up and inside the treehouse.

I went up a step and poked my head through the opening. It was extremely bright inside. I blinked a couple of times to adjust my eyes before looking around. This place was huge! There was a torn up orange rug in front of me. Before I could observe anything else I heard chuckling. I turned my head and saw no other than Larry and Sal sitting next to each other.

I could feel my body heat up and the heat rise to my cheeks. My mind was going a thousand miles a minute. I can't imagine how panicked I looked. Yes I wanted to run into them, but not like this! Sal cleared his throat, "You can come in ya know?" It felt like I could finally breathe.

I took a deep breath in and bit the inside of my cheek. "Are you sure?" Larry nodded and put his hand out. "Well yeah dude, it'd be weird if we just didn't let you in." My heart jolted in my chest. I looked down at his hand and reached forward, grabbing it. He held my hand tightly and helped pull me inside.

Now was my chance to get a better look at everything around me. Everything was very cozy. Definitely a lot of junk near the back, probably one of their dads things. There was also a beanbag, a ton of pillows and blankets. I guess they really chill up here a lot? Kinda hope I'll soon be able to do the same..

My hand still felt extremely warm. My gaze turned to my hand and I saw I was still holding Larrys hand. I could feel my skeleton jump out of my body. I snatched my hand back and shoved it in my jacket pocket. My hand was about as warm as my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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