Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

To say Sirius Black had a bad Summer was putting it lightly.

James wasn't sure what to do. He didn't know how to help. His best friends had knocked at his door at two in the morning and promptly collapsed on the doorstep. The Potter house elf Lola had found him and woken James' parents. By the time James made it down the stairs, Sirius was on the sofa. Ghostly and bleeding.

His mother, Euphemia, had managed to patch him up but even when he woke James knew he wasn't okay. He didn't smile. Barely ate. He was like that for the rest of the holiday.

James never expected the person who could help would be Ayla Kaven. Ayla was a Ravenclaw in their year who Sirius despised. And, in the same way it was known that James would always lament about Lily Evans, it was known Sirius would complain about Ayla Kaven.

'She told me my hair looked like Snivellus', James! How could she think that!'

'Did you see that she was in the Prophet for creating a new spell. Why aren't we in the Prophet!'

'She said she didn't understand why all of my results weren't a T because I have a face like a Troll. I'm hot, right?'

'How did she get top of the year again? Moony, I thought you were studying.'

James thought it was because she was perhaps the only girl he'd met who didn't think he was attractive or maybe that she could keep up with his quick wit with cutting comebacks of her own. Either way, they bounced off one another in a way that was always funny to watch and always made Sirius mad.

When Ayla walked into charms and saw Sirius sitting stone faced at the back of the classroom she smirked.

"Why've you got a face like a slapped arse? Did someone finally tell you you're IQ was less than the length of your dick?" She said, sliding into her chair.

Sirius looked up his face blank and James thought he wouldn't respond until he said, "good thing I've got a big dick."

"Yes, you can have 9 IQ points."

"What, for my 9 inches?"


The class sniggered and Remus, James and Peter had to hide their amusement in the sleeves of their robes.

"Not all of us can be blessed with a cock as large as yours," Sirius said, glaring at Ayla.

She hummed, twirling her quill as she looked at her charms notes. "Yeah, people find my prick quite intimidating. Shame no one can say the same for you."

"I think it's your face people find intimidating. Must be worried about being turned to stone."

Ayla paused in twiddling her quill for a moment before throwing her head back in a laugh, then she looked at Sirius, a smile on her face. Sirius glared a moment longer before a slight smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

Flitwick walked in and James watched as Ayla turned back around and Sirius opened his book. "Bloody woman," he grumbled under his breath, but James could still see the smile hidden behind his hand. James could have sighed in relief. He caught Remus' eye, who raised his eyebrows as if to say that was unexpected, and he felt the bubble of stress he'd felt all summer start to leave him.


Ayla Kaven hadn't had a wonderful summer either. Her father, Matthew Kaven, was a high up member of the department of magical law enforcement. A career he had worked tirelessly to obtain. However, with the rise of blood supremacy movements he'd been facing massive pushbacks against any idea he tried to contribute, both due to him being muggle born and choosing to marry a muggle.

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