Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

It had snowed just in time for the Hogsmeade weekend. The whole castle felt like it was in suspense under the recent snowfall, and everyone just wanted to go outside rather than attend lessons.

Sirius, Remus, James and Peter all rushed through the doors, wrapped up in winter clother, and began the journey to Hogsmeade at the front of the pack of students.

It was a brilliant day, they'd had a butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks; spent an entire hour at Zonko's joke shop; Remus had dragged them to Shivenshaft's for a few books and then they went to Honeyduke's.

"White chocolate is not real chocolate," Remus said, frustrated.

Sirius shrugged, "but who cares. If it tastes good, I'll buy it!"

Remus groaned and James pretended to fan him with his hands as if he might swoon.

"Your girlfriend's here," Peter warned them, gesturing at the door.

"Lily?" James said, looking around.

"Ayla," Sirius breathed, a dopy smile crossing his face.

Ayla and Briar walked in, arm in arm, completely blind to the world around them as they roared with laughter at something.

"Oi!" James said, waving at them to come over, "what's so funny?"

Briar came trotting over excitedly and Ayla followed behind.

"Oh, Merlin's fuzzy ball sack. It was brilliant," Briar began, waving her hands in enthusiasm. Ayla stood behind her breathing deeply to try and gain control of the belly wrenching laughter. "This titchy first year was walking out when we were about to go in and was holding a large lolly."

"He was about to lick it," Ayla continued, "when he dropped it into the snow. But instead of just being a bit annoyed the kid looked down in despair and just says, "not again," as if this is a daily occurrence."

"It was so funny. Not again! Poor kid." Briar wiped a tear from her eye.

"You guys are kind of cruel. You know that. Are you sure you're not in Slytherin?" Sirius asked.

Briar gasped dramatically. "How dare you!"

A BANG suddenly rang out in. Loud as thunder. Making everyone jump.

"What the - " Remus said moving towards the window before gasping. The others moved next to him and saw what he was shocked by.

"Death eaters," James breathed. "Quick, everyone hide!"

There were a few second years that were also in the shop, and the group surrounded them. They pushed them towards the steps to the basement along with the woman behind the counter who was shaking uncontrollably. The stairs to the basement were narrow and could only be descended one at a time. Only the second years had gone down when they heard the door swinging open.

The students all dropped to the floor, hoping the tall shelves of sweets would hide them from whomever had entered.

Ayla felt hyperaware of every sound she made, worrying her breathing was too loud or that her shoes might squeak on the floor. There were two of them walking through the aisles of sweets, their footsteps echoing on the hard floor.

Her blood ran icy cold as a thud from behind her made the footsteps stop. The woman from the counter had tried to crawl down the stairs and fallen.

"We know you're here," a honeyed voice sing-songed. Ayla shuffled up into a crouch, the others doing the same and they grasped their wands.

A head of curly black hair appeared from behind the tall counter. Stopping and grinning at the sight of the students. Another man, stout, with a shaved head, stood behind her, a lecherous grin on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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