Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Ayla felt a little ridiculous. She was wearing one of Briar's dresses, which she'd been assured looked 'insane, Al. Like your tits sit perfectly and it shows of your figure'. It was a blue silky material that clung to her as she walked. She'd done a matching blue colour around her waterline and even to herself she thought it looked good against her dark skin and eyes.

Briar was wearing a red skirt and lacy top that made her boobs look enormous. Briar had smirked at her, sending her a cheeky wink when she'd noticed Ayla staring at them.

"God, is this a good idea?" Asked Ayla, standing outside the portrait of the fat lady in Gryffindor tower.

"It's a party. We'll get drunk. Eat and then go home. But this party has the added benefit of being able to laugh at Sirius Black," Briar said.

"How rude!" Sirius said from behind them. The pair turned to look at him, where he'd ascended the stairs. James, Peter and Remus were with him all carrying heavy looking boxes. "Mandragorae radix," he said to the fat lady and the portrait opened.

The boys passed them, and Remus placed down his box before turning back. "You both look amazing. I wasn't even aware you were coming," he said. Kissing them both on the cheek in a way that should have felt ridiculous but felt quite normal since they were so dressed up.

Ayla could appreciate now that the boys were dressed up too, their robes swapped out for muggle jeans and shirts. Sirius wore all black, half the buttons on his shirt already undone and – shit – was that eyeliner?

"Sirius invited us," Briar told him, and he looked back to glance at Sirius, who was placing the bottles from the boxes on one of the tables. Sirius looked up, catching Ayla's eye and looking her up and down before going back to work.

"Did he now?"

"Beautiful girls like you," Sirius interrupted, "it would be a crime not to." Before running off somewhere.

There was already music playing but James mumbled a spell, and it was suddenly much louder. The few people in the room cheered and James gave a fancy bow.

Within a couple of minutes, the entire of Gryffindor tower had swarmed into the common room, likely roused by the music.

Ayla snatched herself a bottle off the table, opening it with a snap of her fingers. She sniffed it and recognised the scent of Butterbeer, except as she took a sip there was the unmistakable burn of Firewhiskey. She looked at the label, which just had two wizards drunkenly brawling on the front and the words Butterwhiskey – 70:30. Seventy percent Butterbeer, thirty percent Firewhiskey, Ayla figured, taking another swig.

Briar disappeared almost immediately, going over to talk to a few girls who were flicking through the records being played. A Gryffindor seventh year, who was somehow already drunk came and chatted dazedly with Ayla about something.

Ayla nodded and agreed whilst paying him no attention. Her eyes kept falling back to Sirius who was dancing in the middle of the dance floor with James. Girls were dancing invitingly around him like flies and every now and then he'd hold one by the waist and dip them to raucous laughter.

Ayla grabbed another Butterwhiskey, wondering what on Earth she was doing at this party. The Gryffindor boy took a hold of her wrist, tentatively and it was then she looked up to realise how close he'd become. She took a step back.

"Sorry, mate, I'm not interested," she said to the boy. He looked put out but still slurred an apology before staggering off.

Ayla moved back into a corner, hoping not to be noticed and tried to think about something else. Her adapted legilimency spell was pretty much perfect and she only needed to draft a letter to the ministry about it so she could come and present it. There were quite a few other spells she'd been developing alongside it that were nowhere near done, though and she could start focussing more on –

Spell-maker : Sirius Black x OCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu