Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Briar and Ayla would often meet at the back of the library. They'd discuss homework and books. It was on such an occasion when Lily Evans had overheard them talking about a muggle book, Carrie. She'd launched into the discussion with them, and it had ended up in them creating a small book club. Lily forced Remus to come with her once and he'd ended up loving it.

It was Wednesday afternoon when they met, and they'd all been reading Jane Eyre. They alternated between muggle and wizarding authors.

Remus came hurrying in 5 minutes late, three all too familiar boys trailing behind him.

"Sorry, sorry. I couldn't shake them," he said, pulling off his robes to leave him in his casual clothes underneath. "They said they'd sit quietly and wait for this to finish."

The boys did, in fact, sit down quietly. James pulled out a notebook and opened it, whispering to Sirius and Peter, pointing things out.

"Right, so," started Briar, "Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. What'd we think?"

"I didn't love the first bit. All the stuff with her school was just quite long really, but once she went to Thornfield and met Mr Rochester that was good," Lily said, thumbing the pages of her book. There were a few hums around the table.

"I think it's more interesting with context. Jane's friend at school died of Tuberculosis, though they don't call it that. So many people in Charlotte's life died from tuberculosis, including her sisters Maria and Elizabeth, who died whilst they were attending school. It would have been quite relatable for the people who were reading it at the time and so it would help them feel close to Jane," Remus said.

"Doesn't stop it being boring though," whispered Briar to Lily conspiratorially.

"You two just like the romance aspect of it," Ayla commented.

Briar put her hand on her chest, "what? Moi? Why would I care about some creepy guy who hides his wife in his attic and lies about it?"

Ayla laughed, "sure, but it doesn't stop him being all brooding and hot. Byronic hero and all that."

"Mm. Shame about all the other stuff really. Like the lack of respect for Jane at the beginning. You know I bet he'd be the sort who would come and not even try to get her off," said Briar.

A choked cough came from the end of the table whilst the others nodded.

"Definitely. She'd be better just going at it alone," agreed Ayla.

"But would Jane even know how to make herself come? I doubt her religious school had a good sex education or books on that sort of thing," Remus added.

Hums and nods.

"I feel like Emily Bronte's characters would be better at that," Lily said, "I mean, why would Cathy be running around with Heathcliff unless he was good in bed, right?"

"Anne was also pretty feminist so I bet her male characters could make girls come," Ayla added, "maybe it's just Charlotte out of the sisters who couldn't write characters we have sexual faith in."

"Is this all you guys do?" Came the amused, if not slightly shocked, voice of Sirius from the other end of the table.

"What?" Asked Briar.

"Sit around and discuss - the sexual – prowess of book character."

The four of them glanced at one another quickly before turning back to the three Marauders.



"It does happen a lot."

"Pretty much."

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