Love Has Many Faces

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 You flicker across frames behind my eyelids. With each new face and body, a flurry of emotions overtakes my dream self. One moment you're love, then loved, then lost and missed, then love again. You speak to me and laugh with me then you run away from me, insult me, hurt me, then start again. You find yourself chasing after another, while I wander far behind and wish you were still mine. They smile and laugh with you, as we once did together, then take your hand as they dream about another.

 You change again before me and I am close to you once more, but the other still hovers and shoots me dagger glares. We find books and documents to pour over and my thoughts keep returning to you. I find you closer to me and I admire your wits, your charisma. We dance, glide and spin around the space, and our laughter echoes, making it feel like we are floating. I forget about the other as you hold me against you once again and make me feel as though I'll never be alone again.

 Then it fades and as your face changes once more, you slip from my arms and retreat from my gaze. I watch you take off and run away from our bubble of momentary happiness, away from me. Grief and loneliness take over my emotions before I begin to chase you. The building changes around us. Deep holes form through the floor and water fills them. The water is overtaken by trees as green covers the spaces between lakes and the ground beyond our feet as if it were following our chase.

 I see the other observing, a look of defeat shrouding their features. Your changes start becoming quicker and more consistent the more I close the gap between us. As your face and body change, I find the confidence to quicken my pace. When we come across a lake stretched along the horizon and back further than the reaches of our vision, you dive in without hesitation. I follow shortly and make my way towards you in haste. We find ourselves near the other side, but I pull you back and hold on tight.

 With you in my arms, we bob lightly in and out of the caressing waves. Your body twitches and convulses with each change, as my grip remains tight. I wait until you can listen and lean down to your ear. I whisper that it's okay, but your changes need to subside because I know all of your faces. None could hide from me in a crowd and none could keep me from realizing who and what you are to me. My grip on you loosens, but you remain, as does your face and body. Your features still and finally relax to the one I love.

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