The Darkness

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 Emptiness overcame me, and all I could see were distant orbs of light and a barrier exposing an abysmal void beyond it. I instantly knew I had seen this place before. Whispers surrounded me, discussing what to do next, what to choose, where to go, and who would fail. I couldn't see them, but I felt each person's soul all around me. An orb pulled at me, tugging me away from my peers, it was already my time to choose, and I already knew where I was going to go. The darkness didn't tempt me. 

 That's when light erupted from the boundless void, a kind of light that sent shivers down my spine, a kind that wasn't warm nor pleasant. This light belonged to what I knew as pirates, immortal beings whose only task was to lead us, children of light, astray. I was nearly set in my decision before the barrier wavered, signaling that someone had crossed over. A friend. Someone dear to me. I didn't think when I headed over; passing through the barrier felt uncomfortable, but I needed to get to him. Once on the other side, I realized I was once again a body, flesh, and blood, and I could see the others finally. We stood on docks surrounded by a dense forest and heavy fog. The unnerving lights from the pirates came from tacky-looking ships headed our way. 

 I stumbled through the mounds of people waiting for their doom and crashed into my friend. I realized another was there beside me; he probably followed me in. The conversation had barely taken place in words, but there was an unspoken language between us all like we were communicating in our own space and were separated from the sound. Our discussion revolved around his reason for choosing the darkness and if there was any way to get him back. He was stubborn but ultimately came to his form of resolution, asking me to allow him to pass with us and determine whether it'd be worth it to stay. I agreed, immediately and wholeheartedly. I didn't want the people I cared about to suffer for eternity.

 In an instant, his physical body disappeared and a pendant was placed in my hands. He explained to me that the charm would allow him to determine whether or not it was worth it to stay with us, and would allow him to easily pass back through the sphere if he decided to leave. It may not have been a proactive decision, but I was hopeful nonetheless. All three of us made our way through the mounds of people and back out of the barrier unharmed as though someone was allowing us to pass.

 When we finally passed through the sphere, we were average college students living in a dorm together. Memories altered; no one would suspect the unknown. We knew we would be fine as long as we stayed together. The one who tried to escape in darkness was fully formed again, his pendant clinging to his neck. He was a slim dark-skinned guy with thick-framed glasses and buzzed hair; nothing screaming potential anomaly. The other one who helped talk him out of escaping was a tall, light-skinned guy with spiky red hair. He was odd, but not unusual for a kid his age. They were all average college students. I looked out the window, noticing just how high up we were, as the memories faded and new ones took their place; memories of a life together with the two of them. We were inseparable and that was the best possible form of paradise.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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