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"Let's break up," Seungmin announced before Minho had time to take off his shoes.

The younger stood in the corridor with his arms crossed on his chest and looking straight at Minho confidently. His usual blubby aura showed darker undertones. He looked determined, almost intimidating and their 5 centimetres gap never felt that wide.

Saying Minho was dumbfounded was an understatement.

When he arrived at Seungmin's apartment half an hour later than the time they thoroughly discussed the day before, he expected a few complaints, a silent dinner and maybe a good scolding, but certainly not... that.

True, Seungmin had had his head in the clouds the previous night, but he was no stranger to random mood swings during which Minho often chose to give him space to gather his mind in peace.

While he never missed whining loudly about Minho's unreadable mind and unpredictable behaviour, the opposite was also true. This was what happened when two persons who were arguably alike had radically different ways to express themselves.

Where Seungmin was drawing a clear line between his all-too-frequent pranks and deep honest talks, Minho tended to blur the line. He let his actions speak for him and his rare outspoken feelings were often wrapped with teasing coating. Both were very honest in ways that didn't match. They had opposite love languages and between them, unsaid words often spoke the loudest.

Up until now at least, Minho believed so, but it seemed Seungmin had a very different view on the topic.

"We can't go on that way," he continued firmly, "It's too much, I can't stand it anymore."
"You can't stand me anymore?" Minho asked in shock, more hurt than he wanted to let it show. Seungmin's confidence seemed to waver a bit seeing him so unusually deprecating.
"Not you. Us. I know you think so too."
"Don't put in my mouth words that aren't mine" Minho replied harshly. "Just be honest. You can't stand being with me."

Minho scoffed. He should have known. Everyone ended up getting tired. Once the magic of novelty faded and the daily view of his pretty feature started to get unsatisfying, they had no reason to stay.

Was he not worth anyone's love after all? Why couldn't he just... love and be loved like a normal person? Everyone does. If it was such an amazing thing like everyone tried to convince him, why couldn't he experience a happy relationship too? Wasn't he allowed to be loved too? He didn't do anything wrong, did he? At least nothing that deserved such punishment

Everyone always leaves after a while. Why would Seungmin be any different?

It took Seungmin longer than expected to get bored of him.

Then why did it hurt so much?


The author started to like 2Min and decided to rant

Stee(a)l heart [2Min] (Shortfic/Completed)Where stories live. Discover now