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Sorry for the delay, new year must be the busiest non relaxing vacation ever but Happy New Year everyone!!


At first, when he started to question his own behaviour, people were quick to tell him he was young, he didn't know yet. He would grow up after all and then, he would be normal. After meeting The one, it'll be fine. Pl behaviour, unexpected screams or laughter.

Truth be told, he was not the most expressive person, but it was just his personality. Yes, he had a hard time dealing with his feelings, even harder to share them, but what most tended to forget was that behind the well-maintained facade, he, too, had a heart beating. [That's me. I'm Minho.

Expectedly, intimacy didn't come easily to him. Maybe he was wrecked. No one wanted to keep a damaged toy.

He shouldn't expect people to understand. No one ever did. He shouldn't expect them to adapt either. He had to find someone who understands, someone who could use the same language or at least, be able to interpret.

Why didn't he fall for Jisung who understood right away?

Because the spot was already taken way before they met each other, with no space left for him. Their friendship was precious, but it was nothing more. Maybe he needed to clarify that first.

"I love Jisung, I truly do," Minho easily admitted. Seungmin closed his eyes firmly, lips trembling dangerously. "I do love him in a way I rarely do with anyone, but it is not the way you seem to imagine. I find myself in him, pieces of me I never dared to face. I relate to his doubts, his struggle, his anxiety... so much I feel like I'm facing myself a few years ago."

"I want to protect him, from the world, from himself. Because I know few things can harm you more than your own doubts filling your brain. I understand him and he understood me because we are alike and he's the one who made me understand my...Huh... defectiveness," he added a bit ashamed.

"I love him, but I'm not in love with him. I never wanted to kiss him, never wanted to sleep with him. When I hold his hand, all I think about is how I want him to be happy, but there is nothing romantic in that feeling. I Can't feel anything romantic for him," he added lowly.

Seungmin stared without a word. For someone who always had a smart comment to say, he was suspiciously quiet.

Why did he expect Seungmin to understand?

Because Seungmin, too, was different. To him at least, he made his world different.

With Seungmin, he thought he found it, finally. But maybe he was only bound to live alone. Seungmin deserved better.

He made it easy, almost too easy.

He was shy at times and incredibly bold at others, but he was never letting anyone walk over him. As a result, they were bickering back and forth, none of them willing to back out. Minho enjoyed the challenge. He enjoyed that they were on the same wavelength.

Many of his friends just shrugged. The ones most used to his antics usually simply ignored him. Seungmin laughed at him often, complained sometimes, but never failed to acknowledge him.

Seungmin was also a tease in his way and so different from Minho no one thought they would ever get along, but he grew attached to their cat and mouse game. He might not be openly affectionate with him, but he was the most honest. He was never more true to himself than when they were together. Without filter or wrapping, he was free.

In love.

Stee(a)l heart [2Min] (Shortfic/Completed)Where stories live. Discover now