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He might have been the only one to think so.

What an irony, for someone who rarely had feelings for anyone.

“I want the best for you. I want to see you happy the most.” Seungmin said calmly as if he didn’t just drop a bomb on Minho.
“And the best for you is to throw me away like dirt?” Minho replied, offended.
Seungmin sighed, “I know you don’t like to admit when you care, but I can tell the difference. I know you accepted me out of pity or boredom. Maybe both, but you're more open with him.”
“What the heck are you talking about?”
“You. And Jisung.”
“Me and Jisung,” Minho was so obviously pissed off by the whole topic he didn’t even try to hide how stupid he thought that was.
“I didn’t realise how deep you were until yesterday, but I can see how you are with him. Soft, touchy, intimate… that’s a side of you I have never seen before.”
“Are you breaking up with me right now cause you’re jealous of Jisung? You can’t be serious!”
“I’m not jealous. Envious, maybe, but I can’t even be jealous,” Seungmin clarified with honesty, with just a hint of sadness dripping from his voice tone.

This had to be a joke, another one of his pranks, though clearly not the best one.

Han Jisung landed into their friend group with the delicacy of a flying elephant. A friend of a friend who became a permanent addition overnight. With his edgy look and over-the-top personality, he and Minho grew incredibly close in the blink of an eye. It didn’t take long to notice the spark in Minho's eyes, the fondness he tended to hide from others.

Seungmin didn't dislike Jisung per se. He was a lot to handle at times, but he was sweet, sweeter than his emo fashion made him look and probably just as soft as his fluffy cheeks were. The only thing he truly disliked about him was how ridiculously easy it had been for him to grow close to Minho when he struggled to get close to him as he kept him at arm’s length for so long.

Whenever they were together, it was as if the world didn’t exist. He hated to witness the obvious difference. How was Minho so comfortable with Jisung when he was still distant with Seungmin, so unreachable,  after months of a so-called relationship?

Minho took a deep breath to calm down a bit. “I don’t get what you’re saying. You can’t just… drop that on me and then talk about… I don’t understand where you’re going. ”
“You like Jisung, don’t you?”
“I… yes I do, but I don’t see how this is related to you suddenly deciding to break things off with me. I admit I grew unusually close to Jisung, but I don't think I did anything to make you think something was going on.”
"It's not…" Seungmin shook his head. “You’re different with him. Only a few weeks after meeting him you let him hug you to sleep when after almost one year you barely let me look at you for ten seconds without a scowl."
“So what? You want me to stay away from Jisung?”
“I… No. It's not like that. I'm not jealous, I don't have the right to be jealous. It’s not even about Jisung, it's about us."

Seungmin looked up to control his overwhelming need to let out his tears. “I knew from the beginning what I was getting into and I can't blame you for that. I knew you didn’t like me. I had this one-sided fascination and I was happy with anything you were willing to give me. I didn't realize how selfish it was. With how stubborn you are, of course, you wouldn't be the one to break things off. But... I thought, if I tried my best, you might end up… I don't know what I was thinking. I guess the problem has always been me. I’m a puppy and you’re a cat person after all," he tried to joke but sounded more broken than amused.

Stee(a)l heart [2Min] (Shortfic/Completed)Where stories live. Discover now