Chapter 23

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You learn something new every day, and if you are as lucky as I am; then you end up learning many things. Like how to enjoy grocery shopping, and maybe if the odds are in your favor, then you may get a companion as wonderful as Sebastian.

"Sebastian, I really don't think we need seven huge tubs of chocolate ice cream." I stated.

"Trust me Abigail." He answered in his usual carefree voice with just a hint of roughness mixed with a soft caring tone in it, (you can never exactly define things like that, you can just try to), making it sound sexy? No, it was the perfect kind of voice that you want to hear someone read a really good book with.

"You can never not need chocolate ice cream." He continued.

"I hear you, but seriously seven tubs?" I asked.

"Well, we can only store five, after we eat two that is, or else I'd buy more." He said

I hit his shoulder and then asked, "Tell me something Sebastian?" and before I could ask him he interrupted, "Something, Abigail." I made a face and continued, "Have you even been grocery shopping before?"

"Of course I have." He answered, "Why do you ask?"

"It is because I don't think grocery shopping includes shopping for chocolates, marshmallows, chips, milkshake bottles and ice cream." I said, and then my volume increased, "But hey, what do I know of all this, I haven't ben grocery shopping before; and it's not like we need bread, butter and stuff to make a sandwich right?"

"Sarcasm makes you look all bossy and hot" he said and then leaned in, "Its sexy." He winked and there is no doubt that my face got red and I saw a really young boy who looked about seven or eight staring at us. I was mortified because I was thinking that maybe he understood what we were talking about but then he saw me staring back at him and said, "Do you have fever?"

"What?" I asked the little boy

"He said you are hot." The little boy replied, and I had no idea what to reply to him, so I look at Sebastian, my face was hot again, and red I'm sure, but the moron was busy laughing.

"Yes, he meant I have fever." I lied to the boy feeling bad about it.

"Then why are you out? Shouldn't you be resting?" the boy asked, "When I have fever Mama says that I have to wear jammies all day long and drink soup. Doesn't your Mama say that?"

The boy was maybe a wizard because the more he spoke the more I felt like going all girly-aww on him. I bent down to his level and said, "My Mama is very different from yours, but your Mama is very nice and she loves you a lot. Here take these chocolates for her."

He took the chocolates out of my hand, "But chocolates are for kids."

"No" I said loudly, maybe too loudly, I sighed, "Kid, chocolates are the best way to say 'I love you' to someone or even 'I'm sorry' or 'Thank you', chocolates are for everything and everyone. Now go and give it to your Mama." He just smiled at me and then nodded very fast and then ran away.

I turned around and saw Sebastian staring at me while leaning on one of the shelves. I wanted to ask what, feeling self-conscious but that would be so clichéd, and I was feeling little confident after making a kid understand the importance of chocolate so I just said, "I know I am hot and all but can you please stop staring." He started laughing, dumb idiot.

"Are you sure you're a Carter? You are nothing like the people of Astaire should be." Sebastian stated.

"Thanks, I don't even want to be like them." I gave him a smile, "So do we really need all this chocolate."

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