Chapter 9

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When we got back, we were late for lunch and I was worried about mother, she was sure to get mad. But then again the time spent was worth it, so though I was a bit vary, we both entered looking confident. Everyone was already at the table, waiting for us.

“Where were you both Abigail?” my mother called out, as predicted.

“Oh you know me mother, I always lose track of time. I was showing Sebastian the bench near the river in the park; you know the one that is a bit hidden. He was looking for a good reading spot, in fresh air, so I let him borrow my spot.” I lied

“Alright, be back on time from now onwards, okay?” my father added

“Yes father, sorry” I said

“Sorry everyone, it was my entire fault really” said Sebastian, idiot, like my parents would accept that.

“No, Abigail was showing you around and she should know better than to arrive late for lunch, so it wasn’t your fault Sebastian. Adjust your timings better next time Abigail.” My father said, a bit more sternly.

 Sebastian was about to argue further but I kicked him hard and he jumped a bit but didn’t argue. He was sulking throughout lunch though. But I couldn’t let him argue more. Father would just get angrier and all the more blame would sit on my shoulders. When lunch was over, we both went upstairs and he entered my room and sat down on my bean bag, well more like bean couch, it was so huge.

“Oh by all means enter and sit wherever you want your highness” I said sarcastically

“Thank you” he said giving me an obvious fake smile, “now may I know why the hell did you take all the blame by yourself.” He was now looking angry again.

Walking to my wardrobe wanting to change, I said “It doesn’t matter Sebastian, I am the host, I am to be blamed so let it go”

“The hell it doesn’t, I took you out, so why should you get blamed?” he argued

“It is the way things work around here, this isn’t New York, get used to it, it’s Astaire and there are rules which you have to follow. Besides I am so used to it, no need to argue with father, the matter will only increase its better left alone.” I almost gave a speech.

Before we could continue further, a knock on the door interrupted us, it was Mr Collins, and I had a guest. I walked to the stairs when suddenly something came forward, or someone, it was Arabella. I wasn’t sure if I was okay with meeting her so soon, but I had no choice.

“Oh Abi, I am so happy. You are the greatest friend ever. I love you so very much, thank you so much Abi.” Arabella said, she was so genuinely happy, what was her fault in all this.

“Congratulations Arabella, I am very happy for you” I said

“I know, we make a perfect couple don’t we” she said. Okay ouch, that stung badly.

“Yes you do love”, I smiled at her, the perfect huge, fake smile of mine.

“Oh Abigail, no wonder you didn’t want me saying yes to Samuel, you already had plans for me. I am getting engaged to Charles Cambridge; oh I might die of happiness.” She really did look so happy and her face was glowing.

“Hello” Sebastian called form behind me, shit, busted, now he’ll know why I was moping around, “I am Sebastian Vaugh, Arabella Spenser if I am not wrong?” he said and shook hands with Arabella.

“No, you are right, it is Arabella, pleasure meeting you Sebastian.” she said

“Pleasures mine, congratulations by the way” he said

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