Some things never change,like the way we hold onto eachother

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He didn't expect Jamil to ask him to have dinner with him.Well,more like tell or demand of him to have dinner with him.Then again,nothing that Jamil did nowadays was expected.The person he knew was gone as if he never existed.If he ever existed.Kalim sighed,shaking the thought off.He's going to drive himself crazy if he starts thinking about it.The heir looked at himself in the mirror.He wanted to wear this for graduation,but alas,plans change.Sometimes you lose your keys,sometimes your best friend turns out to have hated you your entire life."You're thinking about it again."his thoughts chided.

Kalim rubbed his temples.Why does he even bother at this point?He can't change this outcome by thinking about it.What matters is that he picked out his best clothes,just like Jamil requested,thus avoiding pissing him off.The heirs hand went to his jaw.Yup,still hurt.Hopefully his little stunt won't hurt him any worse than that.

"I was starting to think you weren't going to show up.","I didn't really have a choice."Kalim responded with a glare.Harsh,but Jamil figured he deserved it.He lost his cool on Kalim and it really was quite an overreaction.Hopefully,this dinner would be amendment enough.After all,he's seen Kalim off to enough stuffy,diplomatic dinners that he was pretty sure he could convincingly pull one off."Still.Take a seat.".Kalim swallowed,but obliged.

He knew that Kalim was pissed at him,but this was just uncalled for."Can you stop eating like a pig?We both know you're better than that.","Maybe I would,if you stopped acting like one."Kalim replied,curtly,but without any real bite.It was more matter of fact than anything,which somehow pissed him off more."How so?"Jamil hissed out.He wasn't yelling,which was progress.But,holy shit was Kalim making it difficult.

Kalim chortled.He hoped it sounded as bitter as it felt on his tongue."Hmm,let's see...The brainwashing,the manipulating,the lying,the locking me in a room for  weeks...Truly,where does one start!?"Kalim gritted out,clutching the napkin in place of slamming his hands on the table."To be fair...My original plan was far less drastic than this.And I had to keep you ignorant otherwise you could screw it all up.So all of the lying and manipulating was necessary.As for your"imprisonment"I'd barely consider it as such."

Kalims red eyes bore into Jamil as he paused,almost searing at him with a divine judgement usually reserved for martyrs.Jamil glared back.He shouldn't be making a martyr out of Kalim,when the heir was already doing it himself.So,he turned towards the desert and continued"It's not like I locked you in a dungeon.I put you in your room with all of your things still in there,served you all of your favorite food and the only time I threatened you was when you tried to kill yourself.How horrible of me,right?"

"You can't honestly think that being left with the memories,thoughts and words of somebody you thought you knew, for several weeks is a good thing,right?Overanalyzing everything they've ever done,thinking"Was that a lie?Was this a lie?"because you don't have anything else to do,is a good thing to you?Really?","I don't see how you overthinking is my fault.And honestly what was I suppose to do?Let you wander around and ruin everything?"

Kalim didn't respond."Didn't think so."Jamil said,taking a sip of his drink."If you were worried about me wandering around why do this?For all you know I could stab you with this steak knife.".Jamil smirked and Kalim was worried what was going to follow it.With a chuckle,Jamil put down his glass."Even if I wouldn't have you grabbed by guards the moment you tried,you probably wouldn't have the guts to.".Kalim hated that the Viper was right."And as for why,I have some good news.","Good for you or for me?"Kalim said,picking up his own glass."Both of us actually.You see I had a little chat with your father and he's going to give me power over Hot Sands.Once I marry you,that is."

Kalim almost choked on his drink at that .Catching his breath,the heir spoke."You can't be serious...".Jamil simply slid  a small envelope towards him.Kalim turned it  around in his hand to see that it was closed with his fathers seal.Swallowing,he broke it and read its contents."His seal and handwriting seem like pretty solid evidence to me.".Kalim scoffed,slowly moving the letter away from himself."If this is a proposal,I'll save you some time.The answer is no."

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