A distraction couldn't hurt,could it?

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Kalim rubbed at his now bare arms.His tattoos faded out.Good.Hearing the sound of footsteps,he got into the closet and closed it best he could.He heard the door click open and from the meshed "window"of his closet he could see that the person in question was wearing the Scarabia uniform.Good,his assumption was right.

He jumped out of the closet,tackling his dormmate to the ground and pressing his head down with a help of a pillow,trying his best to hold the boy there till he went limp.Getting off his dormmate,Kalim turned him onto his back to check his breathing.No reason to do something he regrets.The boy was still breathing.Kalim dragged him onto the bed and covered his head with the blanket.Once that was done,Kalim took all of his excess jewelry off and shoved it into the closet.Taking the Scarabia student's magical pen and putting his own hood on,he unlocked the room door.

Following the closest brainwashed student,Kalim tried to straighten his posture to imitate the other as they walked out into the courtyard,in front of the fountain.Then,Kalim ran.Just as he hoped,the wand was immensely helpful,ensuring he'll have to make more than a few apologies to his first years if or when this whole thing was over.He swung the giant door open and the exit mirror came into view.He knew that the glass of the entrance one was completely black,but he hoped his luck would be better this time.Unfortunately,the result was the same here.

Kalim ran over to the mirror and touched it,slammed on it,whatever he could think of,but it reacted like any non magical mirror would,solid and unreceptive to his attempts.Kalim crumpled to the floor,body heavy with disappointment and despair.It didn't take long till his dormmates picked him up and dragged him over to Jamil's room,Kalim not even attempting to struggle.After all,what was the point?

Jamil turned towards the door as it opened.Two students walked in,both carrying Kalim under the arm and dropping him on the floor,before exiting out of the room and locking the door.Kalim looked up at him,face and eyes uncharacteristically blank.The boy got up,walking over to the Viper's bed,sitting down on it and crossing his arms."What?You don't want to rape me in front of an audience ?"Kalim asked,tone flat.

Jamil gawked at him."Kalim,I would never!","As if your word means anything."Kalim replied,picking at his nails.Jamil's hand curled in and out a few times before continuing."Even if I had the capacity or will to do that I don't have that much hatred or any feeling towards a small annoyance."Jamil said,crossing his arms."Except when you said you always hated me and wished every day for me to disappear.","That was before.Now...I just don't care."the Viper replied with a shrug.

Kalim's chest panged at that.He took a deep breath and buried his nails into his forearm,with a swallow."Though I have to ask what caused you to disrespect me like this.","I simply give you as much respect as you do to me."Kalim replied,glaring up at Jamil.

"Excuse me?You think I disrespect you?","Well,locking someone in a room after you reveal you've been lying to and manipulating them for who knows how long in addition to controlling them isn't exactly respectful,now is it?","If I may remind you ,my liege,I already told you why those steps were necessary or can your tiny brain not process that incredibly complex situation?"Jamil gritted out,stomping over to the heir,the white haired boy not even leaning away as Jamil leaned towards him.

"No,what I don't comprehend is how you can do all of that and still claim,to my face,that you're a good person.All I'm asking is for you to treat me like a human being.","Well,you never gave me that courtesy.I don't know why I should give it to you."Jamil said straightening up and glowering at the heir."Correct me if my memory's deceiving me,but when did I lock you in a room,force you into marriage,lie to and manipulate you?"Kalim spat out,like the words tasted as bitter as they sounded."You didn't do that ,but you did disregard all of my concerns and responsibilities so I can fulfill whatever whim you have."Jamil bit.

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