Chapter 1.

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⚠️ TW: ⚠️This chapter contains lots of cursing, mentioning of de@th and lots of @buse. Proceed with caution.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ROSE?!" Someone yells "I AM SICK OF YOU AND YOUR SISTERS SHIT. YOUR DUMBASS SISTER IS THE REASON WHY YOUR MOM IS DEAD!!!"  They slam the door and a girl, Rose. Cries "Sissy?" A little girl says "Yes, Tigerlily?" Rose looks at her sister "Why is dad mad at us again?" Tigerlily tilts her head "I-I-I don't know." Rose sniffles and the dad comes back, banging on the door "SHUT THE HELL UP OR ELSE I'LL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT LITTLE GIRL." He yells through the door before leaving, Rose holds back tears. She curls up in the corner of her room "Rose?" Tigerlily says "Why is dad so mean?" Tigerlily asks "I don't know.. I understand he wants us to do good but... He makes us suffer too much. All because of Moms death and his out of control drinking..." more tears fall down her face "I hope one day we leave this place." Rose says  "I hope we do too." Tigerlily says.

Rose lays down in her bed and the dad walks in "I'm sorry about earlier. I lost my temper." The dad says "Dad.." Rose says "Please stop drinking... it's why this is happening over and over again." Rose starts crying "Listen here. I can do what I want when I want. You don't know what your talking about. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST ACCEPT MY APOLOGY WITHOUT YOU COMPLAINING YOU UNGRATEFUL SHIT!!!" He grabs a vase and throws it at her, Rose dodges "I'm sorry." Rose says "No food tomorrow for you just for your doing that." the dad slams the door shut and Rose sobs "Sissy.. if it makes you happy I can share tomorrow." Tigerlily smiles "Your more important. I'll be fine." Rose sniffles and lays down. Tigerlily yawns and goes to sleep "Night Rosey" Tigerlily cuddles her stuffed animal "Goodnight Lily." Rose says and she looks out her window. "I wish... we could leave this place forever." She sighs and goes to sleep.


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