Chapter 3.

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          4 year later:

Rose punches the glass, trying to get to Tigerlily "Rose.. it's not gonna work." Tigerlily sighs "Lily I haven't even hugged you or even poked you in over 3 years. YOU THINK I'M GONNA QUIT?!" She bangs the glass again "Your gonna make the gum balls come back and shock you." Tigerlily says but Rose doesn't listen. Then Rose stops after a minute "Did I show you what I can do?" Rose says and Tigerlily raises a brow "Nope." Tigerlily says and Rose shrug "Okay. Watch" Rose says and she focuses, big fluffy wings then pop out of her back "Do you see this?!" Rose says and Tigerlily's jaw drops "How long did you know you could do this?!" Tigerlily says "Like a week. I finally got used to it and I can do it on command now! Don't worry the guards down even know about this one." Rose says and she makes her wings disappear "That's pretty cool" Tigerlily says "Yup.. Hm.. do you think I have other abilities?" Rose asks and Tigerlily shrugs "Hm.." Rose thinks and she sees the men coming in, she stands her ground and they open her sisters cell "This one is the one that lacks special abilities." One of the kraang says and Rose's eyes widen "LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE!!!" She yells "Dispose of this." Another Kraang says and Rose yells out to Tigerlily "ROSE!!" She cries out and Rose yells "LEAVE. HER. ALONE!!!!" She roars and the glass shatters. Causing the kranggs bots to malfunction. "Oh my gosh." Tigerlily says "LETS GO THIS IS OUR CHANCE!!!" Rose runs out and grabs Tigerlily's arm "Where's the exit?!" Tigerlily says "I don't know but let's head to the roof!" Rose runs up some stairs "What?! You barely even know about your wings how are you gonna fly?!" Tigerlily's asks and Rose shrugs "Just trust me." Rose reaches the top with her sister, she turns around and sees more of the Kraang behind them "Stop. Go no farther." They hold up their blasters, Rose steps back to the edge "Rose.." Tigerlily looks at her sister and Rose grabs her and jumps off the building "HOLD ON!!" Rose's wings appear and she flies, Tigerlily looks down "I'm actually surprised." Tigerlily continues to look around "Yeah.. I'm surprised too." Rose says and she flies to a building. She lands and puts down Tigerlily "So now what?" Tigerlily asks and Rose looks around at the city "I have no idea." She looks and sees a familiar building "Uh.. Lily." Rose looks at her sister "Yeah?" Tigerlily looks at her "We're in New York City."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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